English synonyms about - contact  

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1 pass

baseball An advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls.

synonyms: base on balls, walk.

Roget 815: cheapness, low price; depreciation; bargain; good penny worth &c.; snap [U.S.].    [Absence of charge] gratuity; free quarters, free seats, free admission, pass, free pass, ... show more

Roget 203: narrowness etc. adj.; closeness, exility; exiguity etc. (little) 193.    line; hair's breadth, finger's breadth; strip, streak, ... show more

Roget 537: teaching etc. v.; instruction; edification; education; tuition; tutorage, tutelage; direction, guidance; opsimathy.    qualification, ... show more

Roget 151: eventuality, event, occurrence, incident, affair, matter, thing, episode, happening, proceeding, contingency, juncture, experience, fact; ... show more

Roget 627: method, way, manner, wise, gait, form, mode, fashion, tone, guise; modus operandi, MO; procedure etc. ... show more

Roget 7: state, condition, category, estate, lot, ease, trim, mood, pickle, plight, temper; aspect etc. (appearance) ... show more

Roget 8: circumstance, situation, phase, position, posture, attitude, place, point; terms; regime; footing, standing, status.    ... show more

Roget 716: attack; assault, assault and battery; onset, onslaught, charge.    aggression, offense; incursion, inroad, invasion; irruption; outbreak; estrapade, ... show more

2 pass

military A written leave of absence.

3 pass

American football A play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate:
— The coach sent in a passing play on third and long.

synonyms: passing, passing game, passing play.

Polish: zagranie

4 pass

The location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks:
— We got through the pass before it started to snow.

synonyms: mountain pass, notch.

Roget 198: interval, interspace; separation etc. 44; break, gap, opening; hole etc. 260; chasm, hiatus, caesura; ... show more

Roget 550: indication; symbolism, symbolization; semiology, semiotics, semeiology, semeiotics; Zeitgeist.    [means of recognition: property] characteristic, diagnostic; lineament, feature, ... show more

Dutch: bergpas, pas, zadel
Polish: przełęcz

5 pass

Any authorization to pass or go somewhere:
— The pass to visit had a strict time limit.

synonym: passport.

Roget 760: permission, leave; allowance, sufferance; tolerance, toleration; liberty, law, license, concession, grace; indulgence etc. (lenity) ... show more

6 pass

A document indicating permission to do something without restrictions:
— The media representatives had special passes.

synonym: laissez passer.

Dutch: laissez-passer

7 pass

A flight or run by an aircraft over a target.

8 pass

A bad or difficult situation or state of affairs.

synonyms: strait, straits.

Roget 704: difficulty; hardness etc. adj.; impracticability etc. (impossibility) 471; tough work, hard work, uphill work; hard task, Herculean task, ... show more

9 pass

A difficult juncture:
— A pretty pass.

synonyms: head, straits.

10 pass

One complete cycle of operations (as by a computer).

11 pass

An automatic advance to the next round in a tournament without playing an opponent.

synonym: bye.

12 pass

A permit to enter or leave a military installation:
— He had to show his pass in order to get out.

synonym: liberty chit.

Polish: przepustka

13 pass

A complimentary ticket.

Polish: karnet

14 pass

A usually brief attempt.

synonyms: crack, fling, go, offer, whirl.

Dutch: bod

15 pass

sports The act of throwing the ball to another member of your team:
— The pass was fumbled.

synonyms: flip, toss.

Dutch: opgooi
Polish: podrzut

16 pass

Success in satisfying a test or requirement:
— His future depended on his passing that test.
— He got a pass in introductory chemistry.

synonyms: passing, qualifying.

Polish: obronienie, obronienie siÄ™


1 pass

Go across or through.

Roget 302: pass, pass through; perforate etc. (hole) 260; penetrate, permeate, thread, thrid, enfilade; go through, go across; go over, ... show more

Roget 764: refuse, reject, deny, decline, turn down; nill, negative; refuse one's assent, withhold one's assent; shake the head; close the hand, close the purse; grudge, begrudge, ... show more

2 pass

Move past:
— A black limousine passed by when she looked out the window.
— He passed his professor in the hall.
— One line of soldiers surpassed the other.

synonyms: go by, go past, pass by, surpass, travel by.

Roget 122: be past etc. adj.; have expired etc. adj., have run its course, have had its day; pass; pass by, go by, pass away, go away, pass off, ... show more

Dutch: langskomen, overdrijven, overtrekken, passeren, voorbijgaan, voorbijkomen, voorbijtrekken

3 pass

Make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation:
— They passed the amendment.

synonym: legislate.

Dutch: passeren, verlijden, wetten maken

4 pass

Pass by.

synonyms: elapse, glide by, go along, go by, lapse, slide by, slip away, slip by.

Roget 109: elapse, lapse, flow, run, proceed, advance, pass; roll on, wear on, press on; flit, fly, slip, ... show more

Dutch: omgaan, verglijden, verlopen, verstrijken, vervlieden, vlieden, voorbijgaan

5 pass

Place into the hands or custody of.

synonyms: give, hand, pass on, reach, turn over.

Roget 784: deliver, hand, pass, put into the hands of; hand over, make over, deliver over, pass over, turn over; assign dower.    present, give away, dispense, dispose of; ... show more

Roget 783: transfer, convey; alienate, alien; assign; grant etc. (confer) 784; consign; make over, hand over; pass, hand, ... show more

6 pass

Stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point.

synonyms: extend, go, lead, run.

Roget 264: be in motion etc. adj.; move, go, hie, gang, budge, stir, pass, flit; hover about, hover round, ... show more

7 pass

Travel past:
— The sports car passed all the trucks.

synonyms: overhaul, overtake.

Dutch: moderniseren, inhalen, renoveren

8 pass

Come to pass.

synonyms: come about, fall out, go on, hap, happen, occur, pass off, take place.

Roget 151: happen, occur; take place, take effect; come, become of; come off, comeabout, come round, come into existence, come forth, come to pass, come on; pass, ... show more

Dutch: tot stand komen, plaatshebben, plaatsvinden, gebeuren, overstag gaan, doorgaan

9 pass

Go unchallenged; be approved.

synonym: clear.

10 pass

Use up a period of time in a specific way.

synonym: spend.

Dutch: besteden, doorkomen, slijten

11 pass

Pass over, across, or through.

synonyms: draw, guide, run.

12 pass

Transmit information:
— Pass along the good news.

synonyms: communicate, pass along, pass on, put across.

Dutch: overbrengen, communiceren, doorgeven

13 pass

Disappear gradually:
— The pain eventually passed off.

synonyms: blow over, evanesce, fade, fleet, pass off.

Roget 449: disappear, vanish, dissolve, fade, melt away, pass, go, avaunt, evaporate, vaporize; be gone etc. adj.; leave no trace, ... show more

Dutch: vervliegen, vervlakken

14 pass

Go successfully through a test or a selection process:
— She passed the new Jersey Bar Exam and can practice law now.

synonym: make it.

Dutch: slagen

15 pass

Be superior or better than some standard.

synonyms: exceed, go past, overstep, top, transcend.

Roget 303: transgress, surpass, pass; go beyond, go by; show in front, come to the front; shoot ahead of; steal a march upon, steal a gain upon.    overstep, overpass, overreach, overgo, ... show more

Roget 33: be superior etc. adj.; exceed, excel, transcend; outdo, outbalance, outweigh, outrank, outrival, out-Herod; pass, surpass, ... show more

Dutch: ontstijgen, overstijgen, overstralen, overtreffen, overvleugelen, uitsteken, uitstijgen, verbeteren, voorbijstreven

16 pass

Accept or judge as acceptable.

17 pass

Allow to go without comment or censure.

18 pass

Transfer to another; of rights or property.

Dutch: overgaan

19 pass

Pass into a specified state or condition.

synonyms: lapse, sink.

20 pass

Throw (a ball) to another player.

Dutch: overspelen

21 pass

Be inherited by.

synonyms: devolve, fall, return.

22 pass

Cause to pass:
— She passed around the plates.

synonym: make pass.

23 pass

Grant authorization or clearance for.

synonyms: authorise, authorize, clear.

Dutch: viseren

24 pass

Pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life.

synonyms: buy the farm, cash in one's chips, choke, conk, croak, decease, die, drop dead, exit, expire ... show more.

Dutch: de pijp aan Maarten geven, vergaan, omkomen, creperen, doodgaan, expireren, heengaan, inslapen, insluimeren, kapotgaan ... show more

25 pass

Eliminate from the body:
— Pass a kidney stone.

synonyms: egest, eliminate, excrete.

Dutch: uitscheiden, afscheiden


1 pass

Of advancing the ball by throwing it:
— A team with a good passing attack.
— A pass play.

synonym: passing.

Moby thesaurus: OK, abalienate, abandon, abysm, abyss, accept, access, accredit, act like, administer, adopt, advance, affiliate, affirm, aggrandize, agree to, aisle, alien, alienate, alley ... show more.

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