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1 dissolve

film A gradual transition from one scene to the next; the next scene is gradually superimposed as the former scene fades out.


1 dissolve

Become weaker.

synonyms: fade away, fade out.

Roget 4: vanish, evaporate, fade, dissolve, melt away; disappear etc. 449.   

Roget 449: disappear, vanish, dissolve, fade, melt away, pass, go, avaunt, evaporate, vaporize; be gone etc. adj.; leave no trace, ... show more

Roget 2: not exist etc. 1; have no existence etc. 1; be null and void; cease to exist etc. 1; pass away, perish; be extinct, become extinct ... show more

2 dissolve

Cause to go into a solution:
— The recipe says that we should dissolve a cup of sugar in two cups of water.

synonyms: break up, resolve.

Roget 335: render liquid etc. 333; liquefy, run; deliquesce; melt etc. (heat) 384; solve; dissolve, resolve; liquate; ... show more

Roget 49: decompose, decompound; analyze, disembody, dissolve; resolve into its elements, separate into its elements; electrolyze [Chem]; dissect, decentralize, break up; disperse etc. 73; ... show more

Roget 162: be destroyed &c.; perish; fall to the ground; tumble, topple; go to pieces, fall to pieces; break up; crumble to dust; go to the dogs, go to the wall, go to smash, go to shivers, ... show more

Dutch: zich, beslissen, oplossen, resolveren

3 dissolve

Come to an end:
— Their marriage dissolved.

synonym: break up.

Dutch: breken, verbreken

4 dissolve

Stop functioning or cohering as a unit:
— The political wing of the party dissolved after much internal fighting.

synonym: disband.

5 dissolve

Cause to lose control emotionally.

6 dissolve

Lose control emotionally.

7 dissolve

Cause to fade away.

8 dissolve

Pass into a solution.

Dutch: oplossen

9 dissolve

Become or cause to become soft or liquid:
— The giant iceberg dissolved over the years during the global warming phase.

synonyms: dethaw, melt, thaw, unfreeze, unthaw.

Dutch: ontdooien, dooien

10 dissolve

Bring the association of to an end or cause to break up:
— The decree officially dissolved the marriage.
— The judge dissolved the tobacco company.

synonym: break up.

11 dissolve

Declare void:
— The President dissolved the parliament and called for new elections.

synonym: dismiss.

Roget 756: abrogate, annul, cancel; destroy etc. 162; abolish; revoke, repeal, rescind, reverse, retract, recall; abolitionize; ... show more

Moby thesaurus: ablate, abrogate, adjourn, annihilate, atomize, attenuate, be annihilated, be consumed, be destroyed, be gone, be no more, be wiped out, blow off, break into, break up, bring to ruin, cast forth, cease, cease to be, cease to exist ... show more.

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