flow flowing change of location travel fountain jet ebb reflux backflow backflowing air flow airflow flow of air current stream freshet spate overflow overspill runoff drippage dripping discharge outpouring run flux fluxion ooze oozing seepage dribble drip trickle emission flush gush outpouring rush spate surge upsurge jump to corresponding sense entry
flow noun
1 flow The motion characteristic of fluids (liquids or gases).
synonym: flowing .
Polish: pójście, popłynięcie
2 flow 3 flow The act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression.
synonym: stream .
Roget 264 :
motion ,
movement ,
move ;
unrest .
stream ,
flow ,
flux ,
run ,
course ,
stir ;
evolution ;
kinematics ;
telekinesis .
step ,
rate ,
pace ,
tread ,
stride ,
gait ,
port ,
footfall ,
cadence ,
carriage ,
velocity ,
angular velocity ;
clip ,
progress ,
locomotion ;
266 ;
267 ;
270 .
149 ;
mobility ;
movableness ,
motive power ;
laws of motion ;
mobilization .
... show more
Dutch: doorstroming, stroming, stroom
4 flow Any uninterrupted stream or discharge.
5 flow Something that resembles a flowing stream in moving continuously:— The museum had planned carefully for the flow of visitors.
synonym: stream .
Dutch: stroom Polish: strumyczek
6 flow Dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas:— The flow of thought.
synonyms: current , stream .
Roget 348 :
running water .
jet ,
spirt † ,
spurt ,
squirt ,
spout ,
spray ,
splash ,
rush ,
gush ,
jet d'eau [Fr.] ;
sluice .
water spout ,
water fall ;
cascade ,
force ,
foss † ;
lin † ,
linn † ;
ghyll † ,
Niagara ;
cataract ,
rapids ,
white water ,
catadupe † ,
cataclysm ;
debacle ,
inundation ,
deluge ;
chute ,
washout .
rain ,
rainfall ;
serein † ;
shower ,
scud ;
downpour ;
driving rain ,
drenching rain ,
cloudburst ;
hyetology † ,
hyetography † ;
predominance of Aquarius † ,
reign of St . Swithin;
mizzle † ,
drizzle ,
stillicidum † ,
plash ;
falling weather ;
northeaster ,
hurricane ,
typhoon .
stream ,
course ,
flux ,
flow ,
profluence † ;
295 ;
defluxion † ;
current ,
tide ,
race ,
coulee .
spring ,
artesian well ,
fount ,
fountain ;
rill ,
rivulet ,
gill ,
gullet ,
rillet † ;
streamlet ,
brooklet ;
branch [U.S.] ;
runnel ,
sike † ,
burn ,
beck ,
creek ,
brook ,
bayou ,
stream ,
river ;
reach ,
tributary .
geyser ,
spout ,
waterspout .
body of water ,
torrent ,
rapids ,
flush ,
flood ,
swash ;
spring tide ,
high tide ,
full tide ;
bore ,
tidal bore ,
eagre † ,
hygre † ;
fresh ,
freshet ;
indraught † ,
reflux ,
undercurrent ,
eddy ,
vortex ,
gurge † ,
whirlpool ,
Maelstrom ,
regurgitation ,
overflow ;
confluence ,
corrivation † .
wave ,
billow ,
surge ,
swell ,
ripple ;
anerythmon gelasma [Gr.] ;
beach comber ,
riffle [U.S.] ,
rollers ,
ground swell ,
surf ,
breakers ,
white horses ,
whitecaps ;
rough sea ,
heavy sea ,
high seas ,
cross sea ,
long sea ,
short sea ,
chopping sea .
[Science of fluids in motion]
hydrodynamics ;
hydraulics ,
hydraulicostatics † ;
rain gauge ,
flowmeter ;
pegology † .
337 ;
pump ;
watering pot ,
watering cart ;
hydrant ,
syringe ;
garden hose ,
lawn spray ;
bhisti † ,
mussuk † .
... show more
Dutch: stroming
7 flow The monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause:— The semen begins to appear in males and to be emitted at the same time of life that the catamenia begin to flow in females.
synonyms: catamenia , menses , menstruation , menstruum , period .
Dutch: menstruatie Polish: menstruacja, okres, krwawienie miesiączkowe, period, miesiączka
1 flow Move or progress freely as if in a stream:— The crowd flowed out of the stadium.
synonym: flux .
Roget 639 :
be sufficient
suffice ,
do ,
just do ,
satisfy ,
pass muster ;
have enough
eat .
one's fill ,
drink one's fill ,
have one's fill ;
roll in ,
swim in ;
wallow in
641 ;
wanton .
abound ,
exuberate ,
teem ,
flow ,
stream ,
rain ,
shower down ;
pour ,
pour in ;
swarm ;
bristle with ;
superabound .
render sufficient
52 .
... show more
Roget 333 :
be fluid
(water in motion)
348 ;
liquefy ,
melt ,
335 .
Roget 347 :
348 ;
349 .
Roget 405 :
whisper ,
breathe ,
murmur ,
purl ,
hum ,
gurgle ,
ripple ,
babble ,
flow ;
tinkle ;
(speak imperfectly)
583 ;
susurrate † .
steal on the ear ;
melt in the air ,
float on the air .
... show more
2 flow Move along, of liquids:— Water flowed into the cave.
synonyms: course , feed , run .
Roget 264 :
be in motion
move ,
go ,
hie ,
gang ,
budge ,
stir ,
pass ,
flit ;
hover about ,
hover round ,
hover about ;
shift ,
slide ,
glide ;
roll ,
roll on ;
flow ,
stream ,
run ,
drift ,
sweep along ;
279 ;
266 ;
change one's place ,
shift one's place ,
change one's quarters ,
shift one's quarters ;
dodge ;
keep going ,
keep moving ;
put in motion ,
set in motion ;
move ;
276 ;
284 ;
render movable ,
mobilize .
... show more
Roget 348 :
flow ,
run ;
meander ;
gush ,
pour ,
spout ,
roll ,
jet ,
well ,
issue ;
drop ,
drip ,
dribble ,
plash ,
spirtle † ,
trill ,
trickle ,
distill ,
percolate ;
stream ,
overflow ,
inundate ,
deluge ,
flow over ,
splash ,
swash ;
guggle † ,
murmur ,
babble ,
bubble ,
purl ,
gurgle ,
sputter ,
spurt ,
spray ,
regurgitate ;
ooze ,
flow out
295 .
rain hard ,
rain in torrents ,
rain cats and dogs ,
rain pitchforks ;
pour with rain ,
drizzle ,
spit ,
set in ;
mizzle † .
flow into ,
fall into ,
open into ,
drain into ;
discharge itself ,
disembogue † .
[Cause a flow]
pour ;
pour out
297 ;
shower down ,
irrigate ,
337 ;
spill ,
splash .
[Stop a flow]
stanch ;
dam ,
261 ;
706 .
... show more
Roget 109 :
elapse ,
lapse ,
flow ,
run ,
proceed ,
advance ,
pass ;
roll on ,
wear on ,
press on ;
flit ,
fly ,
slip ,
slide ,
glide ;
run its course .
run out ,
expire ;
go by ,
pass by ;
be past
122 .
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Dutch: stromen
3 flow 4 flow 5 flow Fall or flow in a certain way:— Her long black hair flowed down her back.
synonyms: fall , hang .
Roget 214 :
be pendent
hang ,
depend ,
swing ,
dangle ;
swag ;
daggle † ,
flap ,
trail ,
flow ;
beetle .
suspend ,
hang ,
sling ,
hook up ,
hitch ,
fasten to ,
append .
... show more
6 flow Cover or swamp with water.
7 flow Undergo menstruation.
synonym: menstruate .
Dutch: menstrueren
Moby thesaurus: Atticism , Brownian movement , abound , abundance , accrue from , advance , affluence , afflux , affluxion , air flow , ample sufficiency , ampleness , amplitude , angular motion , appropriateness , arise , arise from , ascend , ascending , ascent , avalanche , axial motion , back , back up , backflowing , backing , backward motion , bag , be contingent on , be due to , be effortless , be painless , begin , blow out , bonanza , bountifulness , bountiousness , brim , bristle with , bubble , bud from , budge , bumper crop , burble , career , cascade , change , change place , chasteness , chastity , chylifaction , chylification , circle , circulate , clarity , classicalism , classicism , clearness , climb , climbing , coast , coasting , come , come from , come out of , comeliness , commute , concourse , confluence , conflux , continuance , continuation , continue , continuity , copiousness , correctness , course , cover , cover ground , crawl , crawl with , creep with , crosscurrent , current , daggle , dangle , defluxion , deluge , depend , depend on , derive from , descend , descend from , descending , descent , dignity , direct tide , directness , discharge , discrimination , disembogue , distinction , downflow , downpour , downward motion , drabble , drag , draggle , drain , drain out , drape , drift , driftage , droop , ease , ebb , ebb and flow , ebb tide , ebbing , effusion , egestion , ejaculation , ejection , elapse , elegance , elegancy , elimination , emanate , emanate from , emerge from , emission , emit , empty , endure , ensue from , excess , excretion , exhaust , expire , extravagance , extravasation , extrusion , exuberance , exuberate , exudation , facility , fall , fare , fare forth , felicitousness , felicity , fertility , fetch , find vent , finish , fittingness , flap , flight , flit , flood , flood tide , flop , flow back , flow from , flow in , flow on , flow out , flowing , flowing periods , fluency , fluidity , fluidness , flush , flux , flux and reflux , fluxility , fluxion , fly , foison , follow from , forward motion , full measure , full tide , fullness , gang , generosity , generousness , germinate from , get over , give no trouble , give off , glide , gliding , glissade , go , go along , go around , go by , go easily , go like clockwork , go on , go round , go sideways , good taste , grace , gracefulness , gracility , great abundance , great plenty , grow from , grow out of , gurgle , gush , gush out , gyrate , hang , hang down , hang on , head , hie , high tide , high water , hinge on , ice-skate , inflood , inflow , inpour , inrush , issue , issue from , jet , juiciness , lactation , lactescence , landslide , lapse , last , lavishness , liberality , liberalness , limpidity , liquefaction , liquidness , lop , lots , low tide , low water , lucidity , lunar tide , luxuriance , make , maximum , milkiness , mill run , millrace , moisture , more than enough , mount , mounting , move , move along , move on , move over , movement , much , myriad , myriads , naturalness , neap , neap tide , neatness , nod , numerousness , oblique motion , ongoing , onrush , onward course , opposite tide , opulence , opulency , originate , originate in , outflow , outpour , outpouring , overflow , overflowing , overspread , pass , pass by , passage , pellucidity , pend , perspicuity , plainness , plenitude , plenteousness , plentifulness , plenty , plethora , plunge , plunging , poetry , polish , pour , pour in , pour out , present no difficulties , press on , prevalence , proceed , proceed from , prodigality , productiveness , profuseness , profusion , progress , progression , proliferate , propriety , pullulate , purity , purl , quantities , race , radial motion , rain , random motion , refinement , reflowing , refluence , reflux , regress , regression , regurgitate , repleteness , repletion , restraint , retrogress , retrogression , rheuminess , rich harvest , rich vein , richness , riot , riotousness , rip , ripple , riptide , rise , rising , roll , roll on , roller-skate , rotate , run , run its course , run on , run out , run over , run smoothly , rush , sag , sail , sailing , sappiness , sashay , scads , secretion , seemliness , sequence , series , serosity , set , shift , shower , sideslip , sideward motion , simplicity , sink , sinking , skate , skateboard , skating , ski , skid , skiing , skim , sled , sledding , sleigh , slide , sliding , slip , slipping , slither , slithering , sluice , sluice out , smoothness , soar , soaring , solar tide , spate , spew , spew out , spill , spin , spout , spout out , spread , spring , spring from , spring tide , sprout from , spurt , squirt , stem , stem from , sternway , stir , straightforwardness , stream , subside , subsiding , substantiality , substantialness , succession , succulence , superabundance , supply , suppuration , surge , surge back , swag , swarm , swarm with , sweep , sweeping , swing , swirl , taste , tastefulness , teem , teem with , teemingness , terseness , thalassometer , tidal amplitude , tidal current , tidal current chart , tidal flow , tidal range , tide , tide chart , tide gate , tide gauge , tide race , tide rip , tidewater , tideway , tobogganing , trail , traject , trajet , transudation , travel , trend , trickle , turbulence , turn on , unaffectedness , undercurrent , undertow , upward motion , vomit forth , wane , water flow , wateriness , wayfare , wealth , weep , well , well out , wend , whirl , work well ... show more .
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