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1 succumb

Consent reluctantly.

synonyms: buckle under, give in, knuckle under, yield.

Roget 688: be fatigued etc. adj.; yawn etc. (get sleepy) 683; droop, sink, flag; lose breath, lose wind; gasp, pant, ... show more

Roget 725: succumb, submit, yeild, bend, resign, defer to.    lay down one's arms, deliver up one's arms; lower colors, haul down colors, strike one's flag, strike colors.    surrender, surrender at discretion; ... show more

Roget 732: fail; be unsuccessful etc. adj.; not succeed etc. 731; make vain efforts etc. n.; do in vain, labor in vain, toil in vain; flunk [U.S.]; ... show more

Dutch: bezwijken, capituleren, cederen, overgeven, platgaan, zwichten

2 succumb

Be fatally overwhelmed.

synonym: yield.

Dutch: bezwijken

Moby thesaurus: abandon, accede, accept, acquiesce, assent, be agreeable, be done for, be lost, be no more, bite the dust, black out, blow, bow, bow to, break down, burn out, capitulate, cash in, cave, cease ... show more.

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