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1 discourse

Extended verbal expression in speech or writing.

Roget 588: conversation, interlocution; collocution, colloquy, converse, confabulation, talk, discourse, verbal intercourse; oral communication, commerce; dialogue, duologue, trialogue.    ... show more

Dutch: conversatie, gesprek, betoog, uiting, discussie

2 discourse

An address of a religious nature (usually delivered during a church service).

synonyms: preaching, sermon.

Roget 998: rite; ceremony, ritual, liturgy, ceremonial; ordinance, observance, function, duty; form, formulary; solemnity, sacrament; incantation ... show more

Roget 595: dissertation, treatise, essay; thesis, theme; monograph, tract, tractate, tractation; discourse, memoir, disquisition, lecture, sermon, ... show more

Roget 537: teaching etc. v.; instruction; edification; education; tuition; tutorage, tutelage; direction, guidance; opsimathy.    qualification, ... show more

Dutch: boetepreek, boetpredikatie, geloofsverkondiging, homilie, kanselrede, leerrede, predikatie, prediking, preek, sermoen
Polish: nauka, nauczanie

3 discourse

An extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic.

synonyms: discussion, treatment.

Dutch: gesprek, dialoog, forum, bespreking, debat, discussie, betoog, vertoog


1 discourse

To consider or examine in speech or writing.

synonyms: discuss, talk about.

Dutch: bespreken, belichten

2 discourse

Carry on a conversation.

synonym: converse.

Dutch: converseren, onderhouden

3 discourse

Talk at length and formally about a topic.

synonyms: dissertate, hold forth.

Roget 582: speak of; say, utter, pronounce, deliver, give utterance to; utter forth, pour forth; breathe, let fall, come out with; rap out, blurt out have on one's lips; have at the end of one's tongue, ... show more

Roget 595: expound upon a subject, dissert upon a subject, descant upon a subject, write upon a subject, touch upon a subject; treat a subject, treat a subject thoroughly, treat of a subject, take up a subject, ventilate a subject, discuss a subject, deal with a subject, go into a subject, go into a subject at length, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: accents, act, address, air, amplify, analyze, argue, article, assignment, bandy words, canvass, causerie, chalk talk, chatter, chew the fat, chew the rag, chin, colloque, colloquial discourse, colloquize ... show more.

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