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give up


1 give up

Lose (s.th.) or lose the right to (s.th.) by some error, offense, or crime.

synonyms: forego, forfeit, forgo, throw overboard, waive.

Roget 790: return, restore; give back, carry back, bring back; render, render up; give up; let go, unclutch; disgorge, regorge; regurgitate; recoup, ... show more

Roget 610: reject; set aside, lay aside; give up; decline etc. (refuse) 764; exclude, except; pluck, spin; cast.    repudiate, ... show more

Dutch: opgeven, inboeten, verbeuren, vergokken, verspelen

2 give up

Give up with the intent of never claiming again.

synonym: abandon.

Roget 859: despair; lose all hope, give up all hope, abandon all hope, relinquish all hope, lose the hope of, give up the hope of, abandon the hope of, relinquish the hope of; give up, give over; yield to despair; falter; despond ... show more

Dutch: abandonneren, afzien, hangen, loslaten, opgeven, prijsgeven, vaarwelzeggen, verlaten

3 give up

Give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat.

synonyms: chuck up the sponge, drop by the wayside, drop out, fall by the wayside, quit, throw in, throw in the towel.

Dutch: de handdoek in de ring werpen, zich overgeven, uitvallen

4 give up

Put an end to a state or an activity.

synonyms: cease, discontinue, lay off, quit, stop.

Roget 624: relinquish, give up, abandon, desert, forsake, leave in the lurch; go back on; depart from, secede from, withdraw from; back out of; leave, quit, take leave of, ... show more

Roget 142: cease, discontinue, desist, stay, halt; break off, leave off; hold, stop, pull up, stop short; stick, hang fire; halt; ... show more

Dutch: opdoeken, opheffen

5 give up

Give up what is not strictly needed.

synonyms: dispense with, part with, spare.

6 give up

Part with a possession or right.

synonyms: free, release, relinquish, resign.

Dutch: laten

7 give up

Leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily.

synonyms: renounce, resign, vacate.

Roget 757: resign; give up, throw up; lay down, throw up the cards, wash one's hands of, abjure, renounce, forego, disclaim, retract; deny etc. 536.    ... show more

8 give up

Relinquish possession or control over.

synonyms: cede, deliver, surrender.

Roget 782: relinquish, give up, surrender, yield, cede; let go, let slip; spare, drop, resign, forego, renounce, abandon, expropriate, ... show more

Roget 725: succumb, submit, yeild, bend, resign, defer to.    lay down one's arms, deliver up one's arms; lower colors, haul down colors, strike one's flag, strike colors.    surrender, surrender at discretion; ... show more

9 give up

Give up or agree to forgo to the power or possession of another.

synonym: surrender.

Dutch: capituleren, overgeven

10 give up

Stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims:
— Both sides have to give up some claims in these negotiations.

synonym: abandon.

Dutch: afschaffen, supprimeren

11 give up

Allow the other (baseball) team to score:
— Give up a run.

synonym: allow.

12 give up

Stop consuming:
— Give up alcohol.

synonym: kick.

Moby thesaurus: abandon, abandon hope, abdicate, abjure, acknowledge defeat, back down, be at sea, be innocent of, be lost, be pensioned, be superannuated, break off combat, break the habit, cave in, cease, cease resistance, cede, come off, coquet with, cry quits ... show more.

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