English synonyms about - contact  

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1 dart

A small narrow pointed missile that is thrown or shot.

Roget 274: velocity, speed, celerity; swiftness etc. adj.; rapidity, eagle speed; expedition etc. (activity) 682; pernicity; acceleration; ... show more

Roget 727: arm, arms; weapon, deadly weapon; armament, armaments, armature; panoply, stand of arms; armor etc. (defense) 717; armory ... show more

Polish: strzałka

2 dart

A tapered tuck made in dressmaking.

3 dart

A sudden quick movement.

synonym: flit.


1 dart

Move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart.

synonyms: fleet, flit, flutter.

Roget 274: move quickly, trip, fisk; speed, hie, hasten, post, spank, scuttle; scud, scuddle; scour, scour the plain; scamper; ... show more

2 dart

Run or move very quickly or hastily.

synonyms: dash, flash, scoot, scud, shoot.

Roget 284: propel, project, throw, fling, cast, pitch, chuck, toss, jerk, heave, shy, hurl; flirt, fillip.    ... show more

Dutch: afschieten, flitsen, schieten

3 dart

Move with sudden speed.

Moby thesaurus: antelope, arrow, arrowhead, barb, beesting, blue darter, blue streak, bobtailed arrow, bolt, bowl, bustle, buzz about, cannonball, career, cast, catapult, chested arrow, chuck, chunk, cloth yard shaft ... show more.

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