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1 cross

A wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece.

Roget 998: rite; ceremony, ritual, liturgy, ceremonial; ordinance, observance, function, duty; form, formulary; solemnity, sacrament; incantation ... show more

Roget 975: scourge, rod, cane, stick; ratan, rattan; birch, birch rod; azote, blacksnake, bullwhack [U.S.], chicote, kurbash, quirt, ... show more

Roget 735: adversity, evil etc. 619; failure etc. 732; bad luck, ill luck, evil luck, adverse luck, hard fortune, hard hap, hard luck, ... show more

Roget 877: title, honor; knighthood etc. (nobility) 875.    highness, excellency, grace; lordship, worship; reverence, reverend; ... show more

2 cross

A marking that consists of lines that cross each other.

synonyms: crisscross, mark.

Dutch: kruis

3 Cross

A representation of the structure on which Jesus was crucified; used as an emblem of Christianity or in heraldry.

Dutch: kruis
Polish: krzyż

4 cross

Any affliction that causes great suffering:
— That is his cross to bear.

synonym: crown of thorns.

Polish: krzyż, golgota, korona cierniowa

5 cross

genetics An organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species:
— A mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey.

synonyms: crossbreed, hybrid.

Roget 41: mixture, admixture, commixture, commixtion; commixion, intermixture, alloyage, matrimony; junction etc. 43; combination etc. 48; ... show more

Dutch: kruisteken, kruis, kruising, dat werd tijd, hybride, halfbloed
Polish: bastard

6 cross

genetics The act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids.

synonyms: crossbreeding, crossing, hybridisation, hybridization, hybridizing, interbreeding.

Roget 219: crossing etc. v.; intersection, interdigitation; decussation, transversion; convolution etc. 248; level crossing.    reticulation, network; ... show more

Dutch: kruising, rassenvermenging, vermenging
Polish: hybrydyzacja, krzyżowanie


1 cross

Travel across or pass over.

synonyms: cover, cut across, cut through, get across, get over, pass over, track, traverse.

Roget 179: counteract; run counter, clash, cross; interfere with, conflict with; contravene; jostle; go against, run against, beat against, militate against; stultify; ... show more

Roget 302: pass, pass through; perforate etc. (hole) 260; penetrate, permeate, thread, thrid, enfilade; go through, go across; go over, ... show more

Dutch: aflopen, overtrekken

2 cross

Meet at a point.

synonym: intersect.

Roget 764: refuse, reject, deny, decline, turn down; nill, negative; refuse one's assent, withhold one's assent; shake the head; close the hand, close the purse; grudge, begrudge, ... show more

Roget 219: cross, decussate; intersect, interlace, intertwine, intertwist, interweave, interdigitate, interlink.    twine, entwine, weave, inweave, twist, ... show more

Roget 830: cause pain, occasion pain, give pain, bring pain, induce pain, produce pain, create pain, inflict pain etc. 828; pain, hurt, wound.    pinch, ... show more

Roget 41: mix; join etc. 43; combine etc. 48; commix, immix, intermix; mix up with, mingle; commingle, intermingle, ... show more

Dutch: kruisen, ontmoeten, snijden

3 cross

Hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of.

synonyms: baffle, bilk, foil, frustrate, queer, scotch, spoil, thwart.

Dutch: afweren, dwarsbomen, frustreren, torpederen

4 cross

Fold so as to resemble a cross.

5 cross

To cover or extend over an area or time period.

synonyms: span, sweep, traverse.

6 cross

Meet and pass.

7 cross

Trace a line through or across.

8 cross

Breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties:
— Cross a horse and a donkey.
— Mendel tried crossbreeding.

synonyms: crossbreed, hybridise, hybridize, interbreed.

Dutch: hybridiseren, kruisen


1 cross

Extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis:
— Cross members should be all steel.

synonyms: thwartwise, transversal, transverse.

Roget 708: opposing, opposed etc. v.; adverse, antagonistic; contrary etc. 14; at variance etc. 24; at issue, ... show more

Roget 219: crossing etc. v.; crossed, matted &c., v.. transverse.    cross, cruciform, crucial; retiform, reticular, ... show more

Roget 900: angry, wrath, irate; ireful, wrathful; cross etc. (irascible) 901; Achillean; sulky, etc. 901.1; bitter, ... show more

Polish: transwersalny, poprzeczny

2 cross

Annoyed and irritable.

synonyms: bad-tempered, crabbed, crabby, fussy, grouchy, grumpy, ill-tempered.

Roget 901: irascible; bad-tempered, ill-tempered; irritable, susceptible; excitable etc. 825; thin-skinned etc. (sensitive) 822; fretful, ... show more

Roget 901a: sullen, sulky; ill-tempered, ill-humored, ill-affected, ill-disposed; grouty [U.S.]; in an ill temper, in a bad temper, in a shocking temper, in an ill humor, in a bad humor, in a shocking humor; ... show more


Roget 219: cross, thwart, athwart, transversely; at grade [U.S.]; crosswise.   

Moby thesaurus: Agnus Dei, Calvary cross, Cape Colored, Christogram, Eurasian, Greek cross, Holy Grail, Host, Jerusalem cross, John Hancock, Latin cross, Malacca cane, Maltese cross, Russian cross, Sanctus bell, Sangraal, T, X, abjure, achievement ... show more.

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