English synonyms about - contact  

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1 turning

The act of changing or reversing the direction of the course.

synonym: turn.

Roget 311: circuition, circulation; turn, curvet; excursion, circumvention, circumnavigation, circumambulation; northwest passage; circuit etc. 629.    turning ... show more

Polish: zwrot

2 turning

Act of changing in practice or custom.

3 turning

A shaving created when something is produced by turning it on a lathe.

4 turning

A movement in a new direction:
— The turning of the wind.

synonym: turn.

Dutch: toerbeurt

5 turning

The end-product created by shaping something on a lathe.

6 turning

The activity of shaping something on a lathe.


Roget 311: turning etc. v.; circuitous; circumforaneous, circumfluent.   

Moby thesaurus: S-curve, aberrancy, aberrant, aberration, aberrative, about-face, ambages, ambagious, anfractuosity, anfractuous, angle, angular momentum, angular motion, angular velocity, axial motion, bend, bending, bias, bow, bowing ... show more.

Find more on turning elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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