1 synchronize
Make synchronous and adjust in time or manner:
— Let's synchronize our efforts.
synonyms: sync, synchronise.
Roget 88: accompany, coexist, attend; hang on, wait on; go hand in hand with; synchronize etc. 120; bear company, keep company; row in the same boat; bring in its train; associate with, ... show more
Roget 120: coexist, concur, accompany, go hand in hand, keep pace with; synchronize.
Dutch: synchroniseren
2 synchronize
Happen at the same time.
synonyms: contemporise, contemporize, synchronise.
3 synchronize
Make (motion picture sound) exactly simultaneous with the action:
— Synchronize this film.
synonym: synchronise.
4 synchronize
Arrange or represent events so that they co-occur:
— Synchronize biblical events.
synonyms: contemporise, contemporize, synchronise.
5 synchronize
Operate simultaneously:
— The clocks synchronize.
synonym: synchronise.
6 synchronize
Cause to indicate the same time or rate:
— Synchronize your watches.
synonym: synchronise.
Dutch: synchroniseren
Moby thesaurus: accommodate, accompany, accord, adapt, adjust, adjust to, agree, assimilate, associate, assonate, atone, attune, be harmonious, be in cahoots, be in phase, be in time, be in tune, blend, chart, chime ... show more.
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