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1 devote

Give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause.

synonyms: commit, consecrate, dedicate, give.

Roget 601: lie under a necessity; befated, be doomed, be destined &c., in for, under the necessity of; have no choice, have no alternative; be one's fate etc. n.. to be pushed to the wall to be driven into a to be pushed to the wall to be driven into a corner, to be unable to help.    ... show more

Roget 677: use, make use of, employ, put to use; put in action, put in operation, put in practice; set in motion, set to work.    ply, work, wield, handle, manipulate; ... show more

Dutch: geven, inzetten, wijden

2 devote


synonyms: give, pay.

3 devote

Set aside or apart for a specific purpose or use.

Moby thesaurus: allocate, allot, apply, appoint, appropriate, assign, attempt, attend to business, beatify, bend, bestow, bless, buckle down, busy, canonize, cleanse, commit, confide, consecrate, consecrate to ... show more.

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