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1 commission

A special group delegated to consider some matter.

synonym: committee.

Dutch: comité, cie, college, commissie, kamer
Polish: komisja

2 commission

A fee for services rendered based on a percentage of an amount received or collected or agreed to be paid (as distinguished from a salary).

Dutch: commissie, afsluitpremie, wat is je baan?, provisie
Polish: prowizja

3 commission

The act of granting authority to undertake certain functions.

synonym: commissioning.

Dutch: commissie
Polish: plenipotencja, pełnomocnictwo

4 commission

The state of being in good working order and ready for operation.

5 commission

A group of representatives or delegates.

synonyms: delegacy, delegation, deputation, mission.

Roget 755: commission, delegation; consignment, assignment; procuration; deputation, legation, mission, embassy; agency, agentship; power of attorney; clerkship; ... show more

Dutch: afvaardiging, delegatie, deputatie, gezantschap, legatie, missie, vertegenwoordiging, zending
Polish: delegacja, deputacja, misja, przedstawicielstwo, reprezentacja

6 commission

A formal statement of a command or injunction to do something.

synonyms: charge, direction.

Roget 737: authority; influence, patronage, power, preponderance, credit, prestige, prerogative, jurisdiction; right etc. (title) 924; direction ... show more

Dutch: commissie

7 commission

An official document issued by a government and conferring on the recipient the rank of an officer in the armed forces.

synonym: military commission.

Dutch: afsluitprovisie

8 commission

The act of committing a crime.

synonyms: committal, perpetration.

Dutch: het plegen
Polish: sprawstwo

9 commission

A special assignment that is given to a person or group.

synonyms: charge, mission.

Roget 625: business, occupation, employment; pursuit etc. 622; what one is doing, what one is about; affair, concern, matter, case.    matter in hand, ... show more

Dutch: boodschap, missie, zending
Polish: misja


1 commission

Put into commission; equip for service; of ships.

Roget 755: commission, delegate, depute; consign, assign; charge; intrust, entrust; commit, commit to the hands of; authorize etc. (permit) 760.    ... show more

2 commission

Place an order for.

3 commission

Charge with a task.

Moby thesaurus: accomplishment, accredit, achievement, administration, allotment, allowance, appoint, assemblee, assembly, assign, assignation, assignment, at home, authorize, avails, ball, bicameral legislature, bid, big end, bigger half ... show more.

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