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Roget category 162

1. Words expressing abstract relations
1.8. Causation
›› 1.8.3. Power in operation

#162. [Nonproduction.] Destruction


destructionwaste, dissolution, breaking updiruption, disruptionconsumptiondisorganization.
fall, downfall, devastation, ruin, perdition, crasheboulement [Fr.], smash, havoc, delabrement [Fr.], debaclebreak down, break up, fall apartprostrationdesolation, bouleversement [Fr.], wreck, wrack, shipwreck, cataclysmwashout.
extinction, annihilationdestruction of life etc. 361knock-down blowdoom, crack of doom.
destroying etc. v. — demolition, demolishmentoverthrow, subversion, suppressionabolition etc. (abrogation) 756biblioclasmsacrificeravage, razziainactivationincendiarismrevolution etc. 146extirpation etc. (extraction) 301beginning of the end, commencement de la fin [Fr.], road to ruindilapidation etc. (deterioration) 659sabotage.


be destroyed &c. — perishfall to the groundtumble, topplego to pieces, fall to piecesbreak upcrumble to dustgo to the dogs, go to the wall, go to smash, go to shivers, go to wreck, go to pot, go to wrack and ruingo by the board, go all to smashbe all over, be all up, be all withtotter to its fall.
destroydo away with, make away withnullifyannual etc. 756sacrifice, demolishtear upoverturn, overthrow, overwhelmupset, subvert, put an end toseal the doom of, do in, do for, dish [Slang], undobreak up, cut upbreak down, cut down, pull down, mow down, blow down, beat downsuppress, quash, put down, do a job oncut short, take off, blot outdispel, dissipate, dissolveconsume.
smash, crash, quell, squash, squelch, crumple up, shatter, shiverbatter to pieces, tear to pieces, crush to pieces, cut to pieces, shake to pieces, pull to pieces, pick to pieceslaniateniptear to rags, tear to tatterscrush to atoms, knock to atomsruinstrike outthrow over, knock down overfell, sink, swamp, scuttle, wreck, shipwreck, engulf, ingulf, submergelay in ashes, lay in ruinssweep away, erase, wipe out, expunge, razelevel with the dust, level with the groundwasteatomize, vaporize.
deal destruction, desolate, devastate, lay waste, ravage gutdisorganizedismantle etc. (render useless) 645devour, swallow up, sap, mine, blast, bomb, blow to smithereens, drop the big one, confoundexterminate, extinguish, quench, annihilatesnuff out, put out, stamp out, trample outlay in the dust, trample in the dustprostratetread under footcrush under foot, trample under footlay the ax to the root ofmake short work of, make clean sweep of, make mincemeat ofcut up root and branch, chop into pieces, cut into ribbonsfling to the winds, scatter to the windsthrow overboardstrike at the root of, sap the foundations of, spring a mine, blow up, ravage with fire and swordcast to the dogseradicate etc. 301.


destroyed etc. v. — perishing etc. v. — trembling to its fall, nodding to its fall, tottering to its fallin course of destruction etc. n. — extinct.
all-destroying, all-devouring, all-engulfing.
destructive, subversive, ruinous, devastatingincendiary, deletorydestroying etc. n.. suicidaldeadly etc. (killing) 361.


with crushing effect, with a sledge hammer.


delenda est Carthago [Lat.]dum Roma deliberat Saguntum perit [Lat.]ecrasez l'infame [Voltaire].

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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