form descriptor signifier word form word plural plural form singular singular form ghost word base radical root root word stem theme etymon root citation form entry word main entry word abbreviation acronym initialism jump to corresponding sense entry
form noun
1 form The phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something:— The inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached.
synonyms: descriptor , signifier , word form .
Roget 998 :
rite ;
ceremony ,
ritual ,
liturgy ,
ceremonial ;
ordinance ,
observance ,
function ,
duty ;
form ,
formulary ;
solemnity ,
sacrament ;
993 ;
service ,
990 .
ministration ;
preaching ,
preachment ;
predication ,
sermon ,
homily ,
lecture ,
discourse ,
pastoral .
[Christian ritual for induction into the faith]
baptism ,
christening ,
chrism ;
circumcision ;
baptismal regeneration ;
font .
confirmation ;
imposition of hands ,
laying on of hands ;
995 ;
excommunication .
[Jewish rituals]
Bar Mitzvah ,
Bas Mitzvah [Fr.] ,
Bris .
Eucharist ,
Lord's supper ,
communion ;
the sacrament ,
the holy sacrament ;
celebration ,
high celebration ;
missa cantata [Lat.] ;
asperges † ;
offertory ;
introit ;
consecration ;
consubstantiation ,
transubstantiation ;
real presence ;
elements ;
mass ;
high mass ,
low mass ,
dry mass .
903 ;
363 ;
visitation of the sick .
seven sacraments ,
impanation † ,
subpanation † ,
extreme unction ,
viaticum ,
invocation of saints ,
canonization ,
transfiguration ,
auricular confession ;
maceration ,
flagellation ,
sackcloth and ashes ;
952 ;
telling of beads ,
processional ;
thurification † ,
incense ,
holy water ,
aspersion .
relics ,
rosary ,
beads ,
reliquary ,
host ,
cross ,
rood ,
crucifix ,
pax [Lat.] ,
pyx ,
agnus Dei [Lat.] ,
censer ,
thurible ,
patera † ;
eileton † ,
Holy Grail ;
prayer machine ,
prayer wheel ;
Sangraal † ,
urceus † .
ritualism ,
ceremonialism ;
sabbatism † ,
sabbatarianism † ;
ritualist ,
sabbatarian † .
holyday ,
feast ,
fast .
[Christian holy days]
Sabbath ,
Pentecost ;
Advent ,
Christmas ,
Epiphany ;
Lent ;
Passion week ,
Holy week ;
Easter ,
Easter Sunday ,
Whitsuntide ;
agape ,
Ascension Day ,
Candlemas † ,
Ash Wednesday ,
Good Friday ,
Holy Thursday ;
Lammas ,
Martinmas ,
Michaelmas ;
All SAint's DAy ,
All Souls' Day .
[Moslem holy days]
Ramadan ,
Ramazan ;
[Jewish holy days]
Passover ;
Shabuoth ;
Yom Kippur ,
Day of Atonement ;
Rosh Hashana ,
New Year ;
Hanukkah ,
Chanukkah ,
Feast of Lights ;
Purim ,
Feast of lots .
... show more
Roget 963 :
legality ;
legitimacy ,
legitimateness .
legislature ;
law ,
code ,
corpus juris [Lat.] ,
constitution ,
pandect † ,
charter ,
enactment ,
statute ,
rule ;
697 ;
ordinance ,
institution ,
regulation ;
bylaw ,
byelaw ;
741 ;
ordonnance † ;
standing order ;
609 .
legal process ;
form ,
formula ,
formality ;
rite ,
arm of the law ;
habeas corpus ;
fieri facias [Lat.] .
[Science of law]
jurisprudence ,
nomology † ;
legislation ,
codification .
equity ,
common law ;
lex [Lat.] ,
lex nonscripta [Lat.] ;
law of nations ,
droit des gens [Fr.] ,
international law ,
jus gentium [Lat.] ;
jus civile [Lat.] ;
civil law ,
canon law ,
crown law ,
criminal law ,
statute law ,
ecclesiastical law ,
administrative law ;
lex mercatoria [Lat.] .
constitutionalism ,
constitutionality ;
922 .
[institution for deciding questions of law]
court ,
966 .
[person who presides at a court or tribunal]
967 .
[specialist in questions of law]
lawyer ,
attorney ,
legal counsel
968 .
... show more
Roget 882 :
ostentation ,
display ,
show ,
flourish ,
parade ,
etalage [Fr.] ,
pomp ,
array ,
state ,
solemnity ;
dash ,
splash ,
splurge ,
glitter ,
strut ,
pomposity ;
pretense ,
pretensions ;
showing off ;
fuss .
magnificence ,
splendor ;
coup d'oeil [Fr.] ;
grand doings .
coup de theatre ;
stage effect ,
stage trick ;
claptrap ;
mise en scene [Fr.] ;
tour de force ;
chic .
demonstration ,
flying colors ;
tomfoolery ;
flourish of trumpets
883 ;
pageant ,
pageantry ;
spectacle ,
exhibition ,
exposition ,
procession ;
turn out ,
set out ;
grand function ;
f=ete ,
gala ,
field day ,
review ,
march past ,
promenade ,
insubstantial pageant .
dress ;
court dress ,
full dress ,
evening dress ,
ball dress ,
fancy dress ;
tailoring ,
millinery ,
man millinery ,
frippery ,
foppery ,
equipage .
ceremony ,
ceremonial ;
ritual ;
form ,
formality ;
etiquette ;
puncto [Lat.] ,
punctilio ,
punctiliousness ;
starched stateliness ,
stateliness .
mummery ,
solemn mockery ,
mouth honor .
attitudinarian † ;
854 .
... show more
Roget 852 :
fashion ,
style ,
ton ,
bon ton † ,
society ;
good society ,
polite society ;
monde [Fr.] ;
drawing-room ,
civilized life ,
civilization ,
town ,
beau monde [Fr.] ,
high life ,
court ;
world ;
fashionable world ,
gay world ;
Vanity Fair ;
822 .
manners ,
894 ;
air ,
448 ;
savoir faire [Fr.] ;
gentlemanliness † ,
gentility ,
decorum ,
propriety ,
biens_eance [Fr.] ;
conventions of society ;
Mrs .
Grundy ;
punctilio ;
form ,
formality ;
etiquette ,
point of etiquette ;
225 .
613 ;
mode ,
vogue ,
go ;
865 ;
prevailing taste ;
fad ,
trend ,
bandwagon ,
furore † ,
thing ,
in thing ,
craze ,
chic ,
last word .
man of fashion ,
woman of fashion ,
man of the world ,
woman of the world ;
height of fashion ,
pink of fashion ,
star of fashion ,
glass of fashion ,
leader of fashion ;
arbiter elegantiarum [Lat.]
850 ;
the beautiful people ,
the fashion set ,
upper ten thousand
875 ;
873 ;
smart set ;
the four hundred [U.S.] ;
in crowd .
... show more
Roget 845 :
beauty ,
the beautiful ,
to kalon [Gr.] ,
le beau ideal .
[Science of the perception of beauty]
aesthetics ,
callaesthetics † .
[-beauty of people]
pulchritude ,
form ,
elegance ,
grace ,
beauty unadorned ,
natural beauty ;
242 ;
comeliness ,
polish ,
gloss ;
good effect ,
good looks ;
belle tournure † ;
trigness † ;
bloom ,
brilliancy ,
radiance ,
splendor ,
gorgeousness ,
magnificence ;
sublimity ,
sublimification † .
concinnity † ,
delicacy ,
refinement ;
charm ,
je ne sais quoi [Fr.] ,
style .
Venus ,
Aphrodite † ,
Hebe ,
the Graces ,
Peri ,
Houri ,
Cupid ,
Apollo † ,
Hyperion ,
Adonis † ,
Antionous † ,
Narcissus .
peacock ,
butterfly ;
garden ;
flower of ,
pink of ;
bijou ;
847 ;
work of art .
flower ,
flow'ret gay † ;
[flowers: list]
wildflower ;
rose ,
lily ,
anemone ,
asphodel ,
buttercup ,
crane's bill ,
daffodil ,
tulip ,
tiger lily ,
day lily ,
begonia ,
marigold ,
geranium ,
lily of the valley ,
ranunculus ,
rhododendron ,
windflower .
829 .
beautifying ;
landscaping ,
landscape gardening ;
847 ;
calisthenics † .
[person who is beautiful]
beauty ;
(of men).
... show more
Roget 697 :
precept ,
direction ,
instruction ,
charge ;
prescript ,
prescription ;
recipe ,
receipt ;
golden rule ;
496 .
rule ,
canon ,
law ,
code ,
corpus juris [Lat.] ,
lex scripta [Lat.] ,
act ,
statute ,
rubric ,
stage direction ,
regulation ;
form ,
formula ,
formulary ;
technicality ;
canon law ;
norm .
741 .
... show more
Dutch: betekenaar, vorm, woordvorm
2 form A category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality:— Sculpture is a form of art.
synonyms: kind , sort , variety .
Dutch: genre, categorie, aard, ras, type, soort
3 form A perceptual structure:— The composition presents problems for students of musical form.
synonyms: pattern , shape .
Polish: forma
4 form Any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline).
synonyms: configuration , conformation , contour , shape .
Dutch: staat, fysiek, conditie, vorm, toestand, status, configuratie Polish: forma, kształt
5 form Alternative names for the body of a human being.
synonyms: anatomy , bod , build , chassis , figure , flesh , frame , human body , material body , physical body , physique , shape , soma ... show more .
Roget 7 :
state ,
condition ,
category ,
estate ,
lot ,
ease ,
trim ,
mood ,
pickle ,
plight ,
temper ;
448 ,
dilemma ,
pass ,
predicament .
constitution ,
habitude ,
diathesis † ;
frame ,
329 ;
stamp ,
set ,
fit ,
mold ,
mould .
mode ,
modality ,
schesis † ;
240 .
tone ,
tenor ,
turn ;
trim ,
guise ,
fashion ,
light ,
complexion ,
style ,
character .
... show more
Roget 215 :
support ,
ground ,
foundation ,
base ,
basis ;
terra firma ;
bearing ,
fulcrum ,
bait [U.S.] ,
caudex crib † ;
point d'appui [Fr.] ,
pou sto [Gr.] ,
purchase footing ,
hold ,
locus standi [Lat.] ;
landing place ,
landing stage ;
stage ,
platform ;
block ;
rest ,
resting place ;
groundwork ,
substratum ,
riprap ,
sustentation ,
subvention ;
211 .
supporter ;
707 ;
prop ,
stand ,
anvil ,
fulciment † ;
cue rest ,
jigger ;
monkey ;
stay ,
shore ,
skid ,
rib ,
truss ,
bandage ;
sleeper ;
stirrup ,
stilts ,
shoe ,
sole ,
heel ,
splint ,
lap ,
bar ,
rod ,
boom ,
sprit † ,
outrigger ;
ratlings † .
staff ,
stick ,
crutch ,
alpenstock ,
baton ,
staddle † ;
bourdon † ,
cowlstaff † ,
lathi † ,
mahlstick † .
post ,
pillar ,
shaft ,
thill † ,
column ,
pilaster ;
pediment ,
pedicle ;
pedestal ;
plinth ,
shank ,
leg ,
socle † ,
zocle † ;
buttress ,
jamb ,
mullion ,
abutment ;
baluster ,
banister ,
stanchion ;
balustrade ;
headstone ;
upright ;
door post ,
jamb ,
door jamb .
frame ,
framework ;
scaffold ,
skeleton ,
beam ,
rafter ,
girder ,
lintel ,
joist ,
travis † ,
trave † ,
corner stone ,
summer ,
transom ;
rung ,
round ,
step ,
sill ;
angle rafter ,
hip rafter ;
cantilever ,
modillion † ;
crown post ,
king post ;
vertebra .
columella † ,
backbone ;
keystone ;
axle ,
axletree ;
axis ;
arch ,
mainstay .
trunnion ,
pivot ,
rowlock † ;
214 † ;
45 ;
thole pin † .
board ,
ledge ,
shelf ,
hob ,
bracket ,
trevet † ,
trivet ,
arbor ,
rack ;
mantel ,
mantle piece [Fr.] ,
mantleshelf † ;
slab ,
console ;
counter ,
dresser ;
flange ,
corbel ;
table ,
trestle ;
shoulder ;
perch ;
horse ;
easel ,
desk ;
clotheshorse ,
hatrack ;
retable ;
teapoy † .
seat ,
throne ,
dais ;
divan ,
musnud † ;
chair ,
bench ,
form ,
stool ,
sofa ,
settee ,
stall ;
arm chair ,
easy chair ,
elbow chair ,
rocking chair ;
couch ,
fauteuil [Fr.] ,
woolsack † ,
ottoman ,
settle ,
squab ,
bench ;
aparejo † ,
faldstool † ,
horn ;
long chair ,
long sleeve chair ,
morris chair ;
lamba chauki † ,
lamba kursi † ;
saddle ,
pannel † ,
pillion ;
side saddle ,
pack saddle ;
pommel .
bed ,
berth ,
pallet ,
tester ,
crib ,
cot ,
hammock ,
shakedown ,
trucklebed † ,
cradle ,
litter ,
stretcher ,
bedstead ;
four poster ,
French bed ,
bunk ,
kip ,
palang † ;
bedding ,
bichhona ,
mattress ,
paillasse † ;
pillow ,
bolster ;
mat ,
rug ,
cushion .
footstool ,
hassock ;
tabouret † ;
tripod ,
monopod .
Atlas ,
Persides ,
Atlantes † ,
Caryatides ,
Hercules .
... show more
Roget 240 :
form ,
figure ,
shape ;
conformation ,
configuration ;
make ,
formation ,
frame ,
construction ,
cut ,
set ,
build ,
trim ,
cut of one's jib ;
stamp ,
type ,
cast ,
mold ;
fashion ;
230 ;
329 ;
plasmature † .
feature ,
lineament ,
turn ;
448 ;
posture ,
attitude ,
pose .
[Science of form]
morphism .
[Similarity of form]
isomorphism .
formation ,
figuration ,
efformation † ;
sculpture ;
plasmation † .
... show more
Dutch: personage, vorm, afbeelding, cijfer, menselijk lichaam, vlees Polish: soma
6 form The spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance.
synonym: shape .
Dutch: vorm
7 form The visual appearance of something or someone.
synonyms: cast , shape .
Roget 21 :
copy ,
facsimile ,
counterpart ,
effigies ,
effigy ,
form ,
likeness .
image ,
picture ,
photo ,
xerox ,
similitude ,
semblance ,
ectype † ,
photo offset ,
electrotype ;
19 ;
model ,
representation ,
adumbration ,
study ;
554 ;
resemblance .
duplicate ,
reproduction ;
cast ,
tracing ;
reflex ,
reflexion [Brit.] ,
reflection ;
shadow ,
echo .
[copy into a non-visual form],
transcription ;
recording ,
scan .
chip off the old block ;
reprint ,
new printing ;
rechauffe [Fr.] ;
apograph † ,
fair copy .
parody ,
caricature ,
burlesque ,
travesty ,
travestie † ,
paraphrase .
[copy with some differences]
derivative ,
derivation ,
modification ,
expansion ,
extension ,
revision ;
second edition
104 .
servile copy ,
servile imitation ;
plagiarism ,
counterfeit ,
545 ;
pasticcio † .
... show more
Dutch: gedaante, verschijningsvorm
8 form A printed document with spaces in which to write.
Dutch: formulier Polish: formularz
9 form biology A group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups.
synonyms: strain , var. , variant .
Polish: kultura
10 form An arrangement of the elements in a composition or discourse.
Polish: forma
11 form A particular mode in which something is manifested.
12 form physical chemistry A distinct state of matter in a system; matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary.
synonym: phase .
Polish: faza, faza termodynamiczna
13 form A body of students who are taught together.
synonyms: class , course , grade .
Roget 627 :
method ,
way ,
manner ,
wise ,
gait ,
form ,
mode ,
fashion ,
tone ,
guise ;
modus operandi ,
MO ;
(line of conduct)
692 .
path ,
road ,
route ,
course ;
line of way ,
line of road ;
trajectory ,
orbit ,
track ,
beat ,
tack .
steps ;
stair ,
staircase ;
flight of stairs ,
ladder ,
stile ;
perron † .
bridge ,
footbridge ,
viaduct ,
pontoon ,
steppingstone ,
plank ,
gangway ;
drawbridge ;
pass ,
ford ,
ferry ,
tunnel ;
260 .
door ;
260 ;
channel ,
passage ,
avenue ,
means of access ,
approach ,
adit † ;
artery ,
lane ,
loan [Scot.] ,
alley ,
aisle ,
lobby ,
corridor ;
back-door ,
back-stairs ;
secret passage ;
covert way ;
vennel † .
roadway ,
pathway ,
stairway ;
express ;
thoroughfare ;
highway ;
turnpike ,
freeway ,
royal road ,
coach road ;
broad highway ,
King's highway ,
Queen's highway ;
beaten track ,
beaten path ;
horse road ,
bridle road ,
bridle track ,
bridle path ;
walk ,
trottoir † ,
footpath ,
pavement ,
flags ,
sidewalk ;
crossroad ,
byroad ,
bypath ,
byway ;
cut ;
short cut
628 ;
carrefour † ;
private road ,
occupation road ;
highways and byways ;
railroad ,
railway ,
tram road ,
tramway ;
towpath ;
causeway ;
350 ;
189 ;
speedway .
how ;
in what way ,
in what manner ;
by what mode ;
so ,
in this way ,
after this fashion .
one way or another ,
anyhow ;
somehow or other
631 ;
by way of ;
via ;
in transitu [Lat.]
270 ;
on the high road to .
... show more
Roget 541 :
learner ,
scholar ,
student ,
pupil ;
apprentice ,
prentice † ,
journeyman ;
articled clerk ;
beginner ,
tyro ,
amateur ,
rank amateur ;
abecedarian ,
alphabetarian † ;
alumnus ,
eleve [Fr.] .
recruit ,
raw recruit ,
novice ,
neophyte ,
inceptor † ,
catechumen ,
probationer ;
seminarian ,
chela ,
fellow-commoner ;
debutant .
[apprentice medical doctors]
intern ;
resident .
schoolboy ;
fresh ,
freshman ,
frosh ;
junior soph † ,
junior ;
senior soph † ,
senior ;
sophister † ,
sophomore ;
questionist † .
[college and university students]
undergraduate ;
graduate student ;
law student ;
medical student ;
pre-med ;
post-doctoral student ,
post-doc ;
matriculated student ;
part-time student ,
night student ,
auditor .
[group of learners]
class ,
grade ,
seminar ,
form ,
remove ;
539 .
disciple ,
follower ,
apostle ,
proselyte ;
fellow-student ,
condisciple † .
[place of learning]
542 .
... show more
Dutch: promotie Polish: kurs
14 form An ability to perform well.
15 form 16 form A mold for setting concrete.
1 form Create (as an entity):— Social groups form everywhere. — They formed a company.
synonyms: organise , organize .
Roget 537 :
teach ,
instruct ,
educate ,
edify ,
school ,
tutor ;
cram ,
prime ,
coach ;
527 .
inculcate ,
indoctrinate ,
inoculate ,
infuse ,
instill ,
infix ,
ingraft † ,
infiltrate ;
imbue ,
impregnate ,
implant ;
graft ,
sow the seeds of ,
disseminate .
given an idea of ;
put up to ,
put in the way of ;
set right .
sharpen the wits ,
enlarge the mind ;
give new ideas ,
open the eyes ,
bring forward ,
teach the young idea how to shoot "
658 .
522 ;
lecture ;
read a lesson ,
give a lesson ,
give a lecture ,
give a sermon ,
give a discourse ;
incept † ;
hold forth ,
preach ;
sermonize ,
moralize ;
point a moral .
train ,
discipline ;
bring up ,
bring up to ;
form ,
ground ,
prepare ,
qualify ;
drill ,
exercise ,
practice ,
habituate ,
familiarize with ,
nurture ,
drynurse † ,
breed ,
rear ,
take in hand ;
break ,
break in ;
tame ;
preinstruct † ;
initiate ;
613 .
put to nurse ,
send to school .
direct ,
guide ;
direct attention to
457 ;
impress upon the mind ,
impress upon the memory ;
beat into ,
beat into the head ;
484 .
[instructional materials]
book ,
workbook ,
exercise book .
[unnecessary teaching]
preach to the wise ,
teach one's grandmother to suck eggs ,
teach granny to suck eggs ;
preach to the converted .
... show more
Roget 60 :
reduce to order ,
bring into order ;
introduce order into ;
rally .
arrange ,
dispose ,
place ,
form ;
put in order ,
set in order ,
place in order ;
set out ,
collocate ,
pack ,
marshal ,
range ,
size ,
rank ,
group ,
parcel out ,
allot ,
distribute ,
deal ;
cast the parts ,
assign the parts ;
dispose of ,
assign places to ;
assort ,
sort ;
sift ,
riddle ;
put to rights ,
set to rights ,
put into shape ,
put in trim ,
put in array ;
apportion .
class ,
classify ;
divide ;
file ,
string together ,
thread ;
551 ;
catalogue ,
tabulate ,
index ,
graduate ,
digest ,
grade .
methodize ,
regulate ,
systematize ,
coordinate ,
organize ,
settle ,
fix .
unravel ,
disentangle ,
ravel ,
card ;
disembroil † ;
feaze † .
... show more
Roget 58 :
be in order ,
become in order
form ,
fall in ,
draw up ;
arrange itself ,
range itself ,
place itself ;
fall into one's place ,
take one's place ,
take one's rank ;
rally round .
adjust ,
methodize ,
regulate ,
systematize .
... show more
2 form To compose or represent:— This wall forms the background of the stage setting.
synonyms: constitute , make .
Roget 54 :
be composed of ,
be made of ,
be formed of ,
be made up of ;
consist of ,
be resolved into .
(in a class)
76 ;
contain ,
hold ,
comprehend ,
take in ,
admit ,
embrace ,
embody ;
involve ,
implicate ;
drag into .
compose ,
constitute ,
form ,
make ;
make up ,
fill up ,
build up ;
enter into the composition of
(be a component)
56 .
... show more
Roget 161 :
produce ,
perform ,
operate ,
do ,
make ,
gar ,
form ,
construct ,
fabricate ,
frame ,
contrive ,
manufacture ;
weave ,
forge ,
coin ,
carve ,
chisel ;
build ,
raise ,
edify ,
rear ,
erect ,
put together ,
set up ,
run up ;
establish ,
constitute ,
compose ,
organize ,
institute ;
achieve ,
729 .
flower ,
bear fruit ,
fructify ,
teem ,
ean † ,
yean † ,
farrow ,
drop ,
pup ,
kitten ,
kindle ;
bear ,
lay ,
whelp ,
bring forth ,
give birth to ,
lie in ,
be brought to bed of ,
evolve ,
pullulate ,
usher into the world .
make productive
168 ;
create ;
beget ,
get ,
generate ,
fecundate ,
impregnate ;
procreate ,
progenerate † ,
propagate ;
engender ;
bring into being ,
call into being ,
bring into existence ;
breed ,
hatch ,
develop ,
bring up .
induce ,
superinduce ;
suscitate † ;
153 ;
775 .
... show more
Roget 56 :
enter into ,
enter into the composition of ;
be a component
be part of ,
form part of
51 ;
merge in ,
be merged in ;
be implicated in ;
share in
778 ;
belong to ,
appertain to ;
combine ,
inhere in ,
unite .
form ,
make ,
constitute ,
compose .
... show more
3 form 4 form Give shape or form to:— Form the young child's character.
synonym: shape .
Dutch: vormen
5 form Make something, usually for a specific function:— Form cylinders from the dough.
synonyms: forge , mold , mould , shape , work .
Roget 144 :
be converted into ;
become ,
get ,
wax ;
come to ,
turn to ,
turn into ,
evolve into ,
develop into ;
turn out ,
lapse ,
shift ;
run into ,
fall into ,
pass into ,
slide into ,
glide into ,
grow into ,
ripen into ,
open into ,
resolve itself into ,
settle into ,
merge into ,
emerge as ;
melt ,
grow ,
come round to ,
mature ,
mellow ;
assume the form of ,
assume the shape of ,
assume the state of ,
assume the nature of ,
assume the character of ;
illapse † ;
begin a new phase ,
assume a new phase ,
undergo a change .
convert into ,
resolve into ;
make ,
render ;
mold ,
240 ;
remodel ,
new model ,
refound † ,
reform ,
reorganize ;
assimilate to ,
bring to ,
reduce to .
... show more
Roget 240 :
form ,
shape ,
figure ,
fashion ,
efform † ,
carve ,
cut ,
chisel ,
hew ,
cast ;
rough hew ,
rough cast ;
sketch ;
block out ,
hammer out ;
trim ;
lick into shape ,
put into shape ;
model ,
knead ,
work up into ,
set ,
mold ,
sculpture ;
cast ,
stamp ;
161 .
... show more
6 form Establish or impress firmly in the mind.
synonym: imprint .
7 form
Moby thesaurus: Berkeleianism , Hegelianism , Kantianism , MO , Masan , Neoplatonism , Platonic form , Platonic idea , Platonism , Procrustean law , SOP , absolute idealism , accumulate , acquire , act , adjustment , algorithm , allocation , allomorph , allotment , anatomy , angle , animatism , animism , apparition , appear , appearance , apportionment , apprentice , approach , architectonics , architecture , arise , arrange , arrangement , array , arraying , aspect , assemble , astral , astral spirit , attack , attitude , background , background detail , bad condition , banshee , bearing , behavior , bienseance , bill , blank , block out , blood , bod , body , body-build , bones , brand , break , break in , breed , bring up , buckram , build , build up , building , built , burrow , bylaw , canon , canon form , carcass , carriage , carve , cast , cave , ceremonial , ceremoniousness , ceremony , character , chirograph , chisel , civility , clan , class , clay , clod , code , codify , coin , collation , collocation , color , combine , come together , commandment , common practice , complexion , compose , composition , compound , comprise , conceive , concoct , condition , conduct , configuration , conformation , conformity , consist of , constitute , constitution , construct , construction , contour , contract , contrive , control , convenance , convention , conventional usage , conventionalism , conventionality , cool off , corpus , correctness , couch , course , covert , create , creation , criterion , crystallize , cultivate , custom , cut , decency , decorative composition , decorative style , decorousness , decorum , decree , den , denomination , departed spirit , deploy , deployment , deportment , description , design , designation , detail , develop , devise , dictate , dictation , dictum , die , dignity , discipline , disembodied spirit , disposal , dispose , disposition , distribution , docket , document , dossier , draw up , dream up , drill , duppy , duty , dybbuk , earth , economy , edict , effect , effectuate , efform , eidolon , elaborate , elevate , embody , enactment , enter into , envisage , envision , erect , establish , etiquette , evolve , exercise , extrinsicality , extrude , fabric , fabricate , fabrication , facet , fall in , fall into line , fall into place , fall into rank , false image , fantasy , fashion , fashioning , feather , feature , fetch up , fettle , figure , file , fit , fix , flesh , foil , foreground detail , forge , forging , form of worship , formality , formalization , formalize , format , formation , formula , formulary , formulate , formulation , foster , found , frame , framework , fudge together , fugue form , function , gather around , general principle , genre , genus , gestalt , get , get up , getup , ghost , go into , golden rule , good condition , good form , grade , grain , grateful dead , gravity , groom , grow , guide , guideline , guiding principle , guise , habit , hant , harmonize , haunt , hew , hierarchize , hole , holograph , holy rite , house-train , housebreak , hulk , hylozoism , idealism , idolum , ilk , image , imagine , imago , immaterialism , immateriality , imperative , impersonality , impression , improve , inaugurate , incept , incorporate , incorporeal , incorporeal being , incorporeity , indite , install , institute , institution , instrument , intaglio , invent , join , jus , kidney , kin , kind , knead , knock out , label , lair , larva , last , law , law of nature , lay out , legal document , legal instrument , legal paper , legislation , lemures , lex , lick into shape , lied form , light , likeness , line , line of action , line up , lineaments , lines , liturgy , lodge , look , lot , make , make up , makeup , making , manes , manifestation , manner , manner of working , manners , manufacture , mark , marshal , marshaling , material , material body , materialization , materialize , matrix , matter of course , mature , maxim , means , measure , merge in , metaphysical idealism , method , methodize , methodology , mew , mint , mirage , mitzvah , mix , mode , mode of operation , mode of procedure , mode of worship , model , modus operandi , mold , molding , monistic idealism , moral , morph , morpheme , morphemics , morphology , motif , mould , mystery , national style , nature , negative , norm , norma , normalize , number , nurse , nurture , observance , office , official document , oni , order , order of nature , order of worship , ordering , ordinance , ordonnance , organic structure , organism , organization , organize , originate , ornamental motif , outline , pacify , panpsychism , paper , papers , parchment , patch together , pattern , patterning , period style , person , personal file , personalism , persuasion , phantasm , phantasma , phantasmagoria , phantom , phase , phasis , phasm , phenomenon , phylum , physical body , physique , piece together , place itself , placement , plan , plot , poltergeist , pomp , pomposity , pose , practice , precept , prefabricate , prepare , prescribed form , prescript , prescription , presence , primary form , primness , principium , principle , procedure , proceeding , process , produce , production , profile , project , propriety , protocol , psychism , punch , put in tune , put to school , put together , put up , quiet , race , raise , rally round , range itself , rank , ready , realize , rear , receipt , recipe , reference , regard , regimen , regimentation , regularize , regulate , regulation , rehearse , repair , repeated figure , respect , revenant , rigidness , rite , ritual , ritual observance , rituality , roll , rondo form , rough out , roughcast , roughhew , routine , routinize , rubric , rule , ruling , run , run up , sacrament , sacramental , scheme , scrip , script , scroll , sculpt , sculpture , seal , seeming , seemliness , semblance , send to school , serve as , service , set , set form , set up , setting , settled principle , setup , shade , shadow , shape , shape up , shaping , shoe last , show up , shrouded spirit , side , silhouette , simulacrum , skeleton , slant , social convention , social usage , solemnity , solipsism , soma , sonata allegro , sonata form , sort , species , specter , spectral ghost , spirit , spiritualism , spook , sprite , stamp , standard , standard operating procedure , standardize , standing order , standing orders , starchiness , state , statute , stiffness , stiltedness , strain , stripe , structure , structuring , style , stylization , subjectivism , symphonic form , syntax , synthesize , system , systematize , tack , tailor , take form , take in hand , take its place , take order , take rank , take shape , technique , tectonics , template , tenet , tenor , texture , the drill , the how , the like of , the likes of , the way of , theme , theophany , thermoform , tint , tissue , toccata form , tone , torso , total effect , touch , track , train , tranquilize , transcendental , tribe , trim , trunk , tunnel , turn , turn out , twist , type , unite in , universal , universal law , unsubstantiality , usage , variety , view , viewpoint , vision , visualize , waking dream , walking dead man , wandering soul , warp and woof , way , weave , web , weight , whomp up , wildest dream , wise , work , working principle , working rule , wraith , writ , write , writing , zombie ... show more .
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