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1 sink

Plumbing fixture consisting of a water basin fixed to a wall or floor and having a drainpipe.

Dutch: wastafel

2 sink

technology A process that acts to absorb or remove energy or a substance from a system.

3 sink

A depression in the ground communicating with a subterranean passage (especially in limestone) and formed by solution or by collapse of a cavern roof.

synonyms: sinkhole, swallow hole.

Polish: lej krasowy, lejek krasowy, werteb krasowy, wertep krasowy

4 sink

A covered cistern; waste water and sewage flow into it.

synonyms: cesspit, cesspool, sump.

Roget 653: uncleanness etc. adj.; impurity; immundity, immundicity; impurity etc. 961 [of mind]. defilement, contamination etc. v.; ... show more

Dutch: afvalput, beerput, kiepelton, kolk, rioolput, wastafel
Polish: kloaka, dół gnilny, szambo


1 sink

Fall or descend to a lower place or level.

synonyms: drop, drop down.

Roget 828: feel pain, suffer pain, experience pain, undergo pain, bear pain, endure pain etc. n., smart, ache etc. (physical pain) 378; suffer, ... show more

Roget 735: be ill off etc. adj.; go hard with; fall on evil, fall on evil days; go on ill; not prosper etc. 734.    go downhill, go to rack and ruin etc. (destruction) ... show more

Roget 732: fail; be unsuccessful etc. adj.; not succeed etc. 731; make vain efforts etc. n.; do in vain, labor in vain, toil in vain; flunk [U.S.]; ... show more

Roget 688: be fatigued etc. adj.; yawn etc. (get sleepy) 683; droop, sink, flag; lose breath, lose wind; gasp, pant, ... show more

Roget 460: be negligent etc. adj.; take no care of etc. (take care of) etc. 459; neglect; let slip, let go; lay aside, set aside, cst aside, ... show more

Roget 306: descend; go down, drop down, come down; fall, gravitate, drop, slip, slide, rappel, settle; plunge, plummet, ... show more

Roget 162: be destroyed &c.; perish; fall to the ground; tumble, topple; go to pieces, fall to pieces; break up; crumble to dust; go to the dogs, go to the wall, go to smash, go to shivers, ... show more

Roget 837: be dejected etc. adj.; grieve; mourn etc. (lament) 839; take on, give way, lose heart, despond, droop, sink.    ... show more

Dutch: zakken, dalen, zinken, neervallen

2 sink

Cause to sink.

Dutch: onderdompelen, zinken

3 sink

Pass into a specified state or condition.

synonyms: lapse, pass.

4 sink

Go under.

synonyms: go down, go under, settle.

Roget 731: succeed; be successful etc. adj.; gain one's end, gain one's ends; crown with success.    gain a point, attain a point, carry a point, secure a point, win a point, win an object; get there [U.S.]; ... show more

5 sink

Descend into or as if into some soft substance or place.

synonym: subside.

6 sink

Appear to move downward.

synonym: dip.

Roget 310: plunge, dip, souse, duck; dive, plump; take a plunge, take a header; make a plunge; bathe etc. (water) 337.    submerge, ... show more

Roget 308: depress, lower, let down, take down, let down a peg, take down a peg; cast; let drop, let fall; sink, debase, bring low, abase, reduce, ... show more

7 sink

Fall heavily or suddenly; decline markedly.

synonyms: fall off, slump.

Dutch: afbrokkelen, inzakken, zakken

8 sink

Fall or sink heavily.

synonyms: slide down, slump.

Dutch: schranken, uitzakken, verzakken

9 sink

Embed deeply.

synonym: bury.

Roget 528: conceal, hide, secrete, put out of sight; lock up, seal up, bottle up.    encrypt, encode, cipher.    cover, screen, cloak, veil, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Babylon, Gomorrah, KO, Sodom, abate, ablate, advance, age, alveolation, alveolus, antrum, aquamanile, armpit, ascend, automatic dishwasher, back, back up, ball up, bankrupt, baptize ... show more.

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