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1 exceed

Be greater in scope or size than some standard:
— Their loyalty exceeds their national bonds.

synonyms: surpass, transcend.

Roget 40: remain; be left etc. adj.; exceed, survive; leave.   

Roget 954: be intemperate etc. adj.; indulge, exceed; live well, live high, live high on the fat of the land, live it up, live high on the hog; give a loose to indulgence etc. n.; wallow in voluptuousness ... show more

2 exceed

Be superior or better than some standard:
— She exceeded our expectations.

synonyms: go past, overstep, pass, top, transcend.

Roget 33: be superior etc. adj.; exceed, excel, transcend; outdo, outbalance, outweigh, outrank, outrival, out-Herod; pass, surpass, ... show more

Dutch: ontstijgen, overstijgen, overstralen, overtreffen, overvleugelen, uitsteken, uitstijgen, verbeteren, voorbijstreven

3 exceed

Be or do something to a greater degree:
— This exceeds all my expectations.

synonyms: outdo, outgo, outmatch, outperform, outstrip, surmount, surpass.

Roget 303: transgress, surpass, pass; go beyond, go by; show in front, come to the front; shoot ahead of; steal a march upon, steal a gain upon.    overstep, overpass, overreach, overgo, ... show more

Dutch: overtreffen, overklassen, overtroeven

Moby thesaurus: beat, best, better, bulk, bulk large, cap, dare, eclipse, exaggerate, excel, go beyond, go one better, improve on, loom, loom large, outdistance, outdo, outpace, outrank, outreach ... show more.

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