1 cynosure
Something that provides guidance (as Polaris guides mariners).
Roget 550: indication; symbolism, symbolization; semiology, semiotics, semeiology†, semeiotics†; Zeitgeist. [means of recognition: property] characteristic, diagnostic; lineament, feature, trait; fingerprint, voiceprint, footprint, noseprint [for animals]; cloven hoof; footfall; recognition (memory) 505. [means of recognition: tool] diagnostic, divining rod; detector. sign, symbol; index, indice†, indicator; point, pointer; exponent, note, token, symptom; dollar sign, dollar mark. type, figure, emblem, cipher, device; representation etc. 554; epigraph, motto, posy. gesture, gesticulation; pantomime; wink, glance, leer; nod, shrug, beck; touch, nudge; dactylology†, dactylonomy†; freemasonry, telegraphy, chirology [Med.], byplay, dumb show; cue; hint etc. 527; clue, clew, key, scent. signal, signal post; rocket, blue light; watch fire, watch tower; telegraph, semaphore, flagstaff; cresset†, fiery cross; calumet; heliograph; guidon; headlight. [sign (evidence) on physobj of contact with another physobj] mark, scratch, line, stroke, dash, score, stripe, streak, tick, dot, point, notch, nick. print; imprint, impress, impression. [symbols accompanying written text to signify modified interpretation] keyboard symbols, printing symbols; [Symbols for emphasis], red letter, italics, sublineation†, underlining, bold font; jotting; note, annotation, reference; blaze, cedilla, guillemets†, hachure [Topo.]; [Special Characters list], quotation marks, "; double quotes, " "; parentheses, "( )"; brackets, "[ ]"; braces, "{ }", curly brackets; arrows, slashes; left parenthesis, "("; right parenthesis, ")"; opening bracket, "["; closing bracket, "]"; left curly brace, "{"; right curly brace, "}"; left arrow, ""; forward slash, "/"; backward slash, "\\"; exclamation point, "!"; commercial at, "@"; pound sign, "#"; percent sign, "%"; carat, "^"; ampersand, "&"; asterisk, "*"; hyphen, "-"; dash, "-", "_"; em dash, "--"; plus sign, "+"; equals sign, "="; question mark, "?"; period, "."; semicolon, ";"; colon, ":"; comma, ","; apostrophe, "'"; single quote, "'"; tilde, "~". [For identification: general] badge, criterion; countercheck†, countermark†, countersign, counterfoil; duplicate, tally; label, ticket, billet, letter, counter, check, chip, chop; dib†; totem; tessera†, card, bill; witness, voucher; stamp; cacher [Fr.]; trade mark, Hall mark. [For identification of people, on a document] signature, mark, autograph, autography; attestation; hand, hand writing, sign manual; cipher; seal, sigil [Lat.], signet, hand and seal [Law]; paraph†, brand; superscription; indorsement†, endorsement. [For identification of people, to gain access to restricted (locations or information)] password, watchword, catchword; security card, pass, passkey; credentials etc. (evidence) 467; open sesame; timbrology†; mot de passe [Fr.], mot du guet [Fr.]; pass-parole; shibboleth. title, heading, docket. address card, visiting card; carte de visite [Fr.]. insignia; banner, banneret†, bannerol†; bandrol†; flag, colors, streamer, standard, eagle, labarum†, oriflamb†, oriflamme; figurehead; ensign; pennon, pennant, pendant; burgee†, blue Peter, jack, ancient, gonfalon, union jack; banderole, old glory [U.S.], quarantine flag; vexillum†; yellow-flag, yellow jack; tricolor, stars and stripes; bunting. heraldry, crest; coat of arms, arms; armorial bearings, hatchment†; escutcheon, scutcheon; shield, supporters; livery, uniform; cockade, epaulet, chevron; garland, love knot, favor. [Of locality] beacon, cairn, post, staff, flagstaff, hand, pointer, vane, cock, weathercock; guidepost, handpost†, fingerpost†, directing post, signpost; pillars of Hercules, pharos; bale-fire, beacon-fire; l'etoile du Nord [Fr.]; landmark, seamark; lighthouse, balize†; polestar, loadstar†, lodestar; cynosure, guide; address, direction, name; sign, signboard. [Of the future] warning etc. 668; omen etc. 512; prefigurement etc. 511. [Of the past] trace, record &c., 551. [Of danger] warning etc. 668, alarm etc. 669. [of authority]. scepter etc. 747. [of triumph]. trophy etc. 733. [of quantity]. gauge etc. 466. [Of Distance] milestone, milepost. [Of disgrace], brand, fool's cap. [For detection], check, telltale; test etc. (experiment) 463; mileage ticket; milliary†. notification etc. (information) 527; advertisement etc. (publication) 531. word of command, call; bugle call, trumpet call; bell, alarum, cry; battle cry, rallying cry; angelus†; reveille; sacring bell†, sanctus bell [Lat.]. exposition etc. (explanation) 522, proof etc. (evidence) 463; pattern etc. (prototype) 22. ... show more
Roget 693: direction; management, managery†; government, gubernation†, conduct, legislation, regulation, guidance; bossism [U.S.]; legislature; steerage, pilotage; reins, reins of government; helm, rudder, needle, compass; guiding star, load star, lode star, pole star; cynosure. supervision, superintendence; surveillance, oversight; eye of the master; control, charge; board of control etc. (council) 696; command etc. (authority) 737. premiership, senatorship; director etc. 694; chair, portfolio. statesmanship; statecraft, kingcraft†, queencraft†. ministry, ministration; administration; stewardship, proctorship†; agency. [person who directs] director etc. 694. ... show more
Roget 873: distinction, mark, name, figure; repute, reputation; good repute, high repute; note, notability, notoriety, eclat, the bubble reputation" [As You Like It], vogue, celebrity; fame, famousness; renown; popularity, aura popularis [Lat.]; approbation etc. 931; credit, succes d'estime [Fr.], prestige, talk of the town; name to conjure with. glory, honor; luster etc. (light) 420; illustriousness etc. adj.. account, regard, respect; reputableness etc. adj.†; respectability etc. (probity) 939; good name, good report; fair name. dignity; stateliness etc. adj.; solemnity, grandeur, splendor, nobility, majesty, sublimity. rank, standing, brevet rank, precedence, pas, station, place, status; position, position in society; order, degree, baccalaureate, locus standi [Lat.], caste, condition. greatness etc. adj.; eminence; height etc. 206; importance etc. 642; preeminence, supereminence; high mightiness, primacy; top of the ladder, top of the tree. elevation; ascent etc. 305; superaltation†, exaltation; dignification†, aggrandizement. dedication, consecration, enthronement, canonization, celebration, enshrinement, glorification. hero, man of mark, great card, celebrity, worthy, lion, rara avis [Lat.], notability, somebody; classman†; man of rank etc. (nobleman) 875; pillar of the state, pillar of the church, pillar of the community. chief etc. (master) 745; first fiddle etc. (proficient) 700; cynosure, mirror; flower, pink, pearl; paragon etc. (perfection) 650; choice and master spirits of the age; elite; star, sun, constellation, galaxy. ornament, honor, feather in one's cap, halo, aureole, nimbus; halo of glory, blaze of glory, blushing honors; laurels etc. (trophy) 733. memory, posthumous fame, niche in the temple of fame; immortality, immortal name; magni nominis umbra [Lat.] [Lucan]. ... show more
is a specific kind of: counsel, counseling, counselling, direction, guidance.
2 cynosure
Something that strongly attracts attention and admiration.
is a specific kind of: center, center of attention, centre, centre of attention.
Moby thesaurus: North Star, Polaris, acme, adductor, apotheosis, attractant, attrahent, beau ideal, best type, big name, celebrity, center, center of attraction, center of consciousness, center of interest, constellation, ego ideal, figure, focal point, focus, focus of attention, folk hero, galaxy, great man, guiding star, hero, heroine, ideal, idol, immortal, important person, lion, lodestar, luminaries, luminary, lure, magnet, man of mark, master spirit, mirror, name, notability, notable, paragon, person of note, personage, pleiad, point of convergence, polar star, polestar, pop hero, popular hero, popular idol, prime focus, public figure, shining example, social lion, somebody, star, superstar, worthy ... show more.
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