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1 demise

The time when something ends.

synonyms: death, dying.

Roget 360: death; decease, demise; dissolution, departure, obit, release, rest, quietus, fall; loss, bereavement; mortality, ... show more

Roget 783: transfer, conveyance, assignment, alienation, abalienation; demise, limitation; conveyancing; transmission etc. (transference) 270; enfeoffment, bargain and sale, ... show more

Polish: śmierć


1 demise

Transfer by a lease or by a will.

Roget 787: lend, advance, accommodate with; lend on security; loan; pawn etc. (security) 771.    intrust, invest; place out to interest, put out to interest.    let, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: abalienation, alienation, amortization, amortizement, annihilation, assignation, assignment, bane, bargain and sale, barter, bequeathal, biological death, cash in, cessation of life, cession, clinical death, conferment, conferral, consignation, consignment ... show more.

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