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show up


1 show up

Appear or become visible; make a showing.

synonyms: come on, come out, surface, turn up.

Roget 151: happen, occur; take place, take effect; come, become of; come off, comeabout, come round, come into existence, come forth, come to pass, come on; pass, ... show more

Roget 938: accuse, charge, tax, impute, twit, taunt with, reproach.    brand with reproach; stigmatize, slur; cast a stone at, cast a slur on; incriminate, criminate; ... show more

Roget 932: disapprove; dislike etc. 867; lament etc. 839; object to, take exception to; be scandalized at, think ill of; view with disfavor, view with dark eyes, view with jaundiced eyes; ... show more

Roget 874: be inglorious etc. adj.; incur disgrace etc. n.; have a bad name, earn a bad name; put a halter round one's neck, wear a halter round one's neck; disgrace oneself, expose oneself.    play second fiddle; ... show more

Roget 856: ridicule, deride, mock, taunt; snigger; laugh in one's sleeve; tease [ridicule lightly], badinage, banter, rally, chaff, joke, ... show more

Roget 446: be become visible etc. adj.; appear, open to the view; meet the eye, catch the eye; basset; present itself, show manifest itself, produce itself, discover itself, reveal itself, expose itself, ... show more

Dutch: flirten, goed groeien

2 show up

Be or become visible or noticeable.

synonym: show.

Roget 525: make manifest, render manifest etc. adj.; bring forth, bring forward, bring to the front, bring into view; give notice; express; represent, set forth, exhibit; show, ... show more

Dutch: zien, aantonen, bewijzen, vertonen, demonstreren

Moby thesaurus: accomplish, achieve, appear, approach, arise, arrive, arrive at, arrive in, assister, attain, attain to, attend, awaken, bare, be at, be evident, be found, be noticeable, be present at, be received ... show more.

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