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1 hap

An accidental happening.

Roget 156: chance, indetermination, accident, fortune, hazard, hap, haphazard, chance medley, random, luck, raccroc, casualty, contingence, adventure, ... show more


1 hap

Come to pass:
— What is happening?.

synonyms: come about, fall out, go on, happen, occur, pass, pass off, take place.

Roget 156: chance, hap, turn up; fall to one's lot; be one's fate etc. 601; stumble on light upon; take one's chance etc. 621.   

Dutch: tot stand komen, plaatshebben, plaatsvinden, gebeuren, overstag gaan, doorgaan

Moby thesaurus: accident, accidentality, actuarial calculation, adventitiousness, adventure, be found, be met with, be realized, bechance, befall, betide, break, bundle up, casualness, casualty, chance, chance hit, circumstance, come, come about ... show more.

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