English synonyms about - contact  

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry



1 thrust

The force used in pushing:
— The thrust of the jet engines.

synonym: push.

Roget 716: attack; assault, assault and battery; onset, onslaught, charge.    aggression, offense; incursion, inroad, invasion; irruption; outbreak; estrapade, ... show more

Roget 276: impulse, impulsion, impetus; momentum; push, pulsion, thrust, shove, jog, jolt, brunt, booming, boost [U.S.], throw; ... show more

2 thrust

A strong blow with a knife or other sharp pointed instrument.

synonyms: knife thrust, stab.

Dutch: messteek, steek
Polish: pchnięcie

3 thrust

The act of applying force to propel something.

synonyms: drive, driving force.

Dutch: drijfkracht, por, stoot, stuwing, stuwkracht

4 thrust

Verbal criticism.

5 thrust

A sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow):
— He made a thrusting motion with his fist.

synonyms: jab, jabbing, poke, poking, thrusting.


1 thrust

Push forcefully.

2 thrust

Press or force:
— She thrust the letter into his hand.

synonyms: shove, squeeze, stuff.

Dutch: induwen, inschuiven

3 thrust

Make a thrusting forward movement.

synonyms: hurl, hurtle, lunge.

Roget 276: give an impetus etc. n.; impel, push; start, give a start to, set going; drive, urge, boom; thrust, prod, ... show more

4 thrust

Impose urgently, importunately, or inexorably.

synonym: force.

Dutch: opdringen

5 thrust

Penetrate or cut through with a sharp instrument.

synonym: pierce.

6 thrust

Force (molten rock) into pre-existing rock.

7 thrust

Push upward:
— The front of the trains that had collided head-on thrust up into the air.

synonym: push up.

8 thrust

Place or put with great energy:
— Thrust the money in the hands of the beggar.

synonym: throw.

Moby thesaurus: acceleration, actuate, advance, advance against, advance upon, afterburner, aggressiveness, animate, assault, atomic power, bang, bear, bear down upon, bear upon, bearing, best part, better part, body, boost, bowl ... show more.

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