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1 modality

A classification of propositions on the basis of whether they claim necessity or possibility or impossibility.

synonym: mode.

Polish: modalność

2 modality

Verb inflections that express how the action or state is conceived by the speaker.

synonyms: mode, mood.

Roget 7: state, condition, category, estate, lot, ease, trim, mood, pickle, plight, temper; aspect etc. (appearance) ... show more

Dutch: modus, wijs
Polish: tryb

3 modality

A particular sense.

synonyms: sense modality, sensory system.

Polish: zmysł

4 modality

A method of therapy that involves physical or electrical therapeutic treatment.

Moby thesaurus: Platonic form, Platonic idea, aesthetic form, archetype, art form, bearings, build, case, cast, circumstance, condition, configuration, conformation, cut, estate, fashion, figuration, figure, fix, footing ... show more.

Find more on modality elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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