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1 consume

Eat up completely, as with great appetite.

synonyms: demolish, devour, down, go through.

Roget 162: be destroyed &c.; perish; fall to the ground; tumble, topple; go to pieces, fall to pieces; break up; crumble to dust; go to the dogs, go to the wall, go to smash, go to shivers, ... show more

2 consume

Serve oneself to, or consume regularly.

synonyms: have, ingest, take, take in.

3 consume

Spend extravagantly.

synonyms: squander, ware, waste.

Roget 638: spend, expend, use, consume, swallow up, exhaust; impoverish; spill, drain, empty; disperse etc. 73.    cast away, ... show more

4 consume

Destroy completely.

Dutch: bezighouden, consumeren

5 consume

Use up (resources or materials):
— This car consumes a lot of gas.

synonyms: deplete, eat, eat up, exhaust, run through, use up, wipe out.

Roget 677: use, make use of, employ, put to use; put in action, put in operation, put in practice; set in motion, set to work.    ply, work, wield, handle, manipulate; ... show more

Dutch: leegmaken, opruimen, leeghalen, uitputten, verbranden, verbruiken

6 consume

Engage fully.

Moby thesaurus: Sanforize, abate, ablate, absorb, annihilate, assimilate, atomize, atrophy, attenuate, bate, be eaten away, bestow, bleed white, blow, break up, bring to ruin, burn down, burn up, come apart, condemn ... show more.

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