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1 establishment

The act of forming or establishing something:
— It was the establishment of his reputation.

synonyms: constitution, formation, organisation, organization.

Roget 150: stability; immutability etc. adj.; unchangeability, etc. adj.; unchangeableness; constancy; stable equilibrium, immobility, soundness, vitality, stabiliment, ... show more

Roget 799: mart; market, marketplace; fair, bazaar, staple, exchange, change, bourse, hall, guildhall; tollbooth, customhouse; Tattersall's.    ... show more

Roget 161: production, creation, construction, formation, fabrication, manufacture; building, architecture, erection, edification; coinage; diaster; organization; ... show more

Roget 184: location, localization; lodgment; deposition, reposition; stowage, package; collocation; packing, lading; establishment, settlement, installation; fixation; ... show more

Dutch: bestel, installatie, organisatie, vestiging
Polish: utworzenie

2 establishment

An organization founded and united for a specific purpose.

synonym: institution.

Roget 712: party, faction, side, denomination, communion, set, crew, band.    horde, posse, phalanx; family, clan, etc. ... show more

Dutch: instelling, instituut
Polish: instytucja

3 establishment

The persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something:
— He quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment.

synonyms: administration, brass, governance, governing body, organisation, organization.

Dutch: bestuur, bestuursorgaan
Polish: organ władzy

4 establishment

A public or private structure (business or governmental or educational) including buildings and equipment for business or residence.

Dutch: etablissement
Polish: siedziba

5 establishment

Any large organization.

6 establishment

ecology The process by which a plant or animal becomes established in a new habitat.

synonym: ecesis.

7 establishment

The cognitive process of establishing a valid proof.

synonym: validation.

Polish: walidacja

Moby thesaurus: A, Old Guard, absolute indication, agency, alpha, anchorage, animal kingdom, architecture, aristocracy, ascertainment, assurance, atelier, barbershop, barons, beauty parlor, beauty shop, beginning, bench, blast-off, boutique ... show more.

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