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Roget category 822

6. Words relating to the sentient and moral
6.1. Affections in general

#822. Sensibility


sensibility, sensibleness, sensitivenessmoral sensibilityimpressibility, affectibilitysusceptibleness, susceptibility, susceptivitymobilityvivacity, vivaciousnesstenderness, softnesssentimental, sentimentalitysentimentalism.
excitability etc. 825fastidiousness etc. 868physical sensibility etc. 375.
sore point, sore placewhere the shoe pinches.


be sensible etc. adj. — have a tender heart, have a warm heart, have a sensitive heart.
take to heart, treasure up in the heartshrink.
die of a rose in aromatic pain" [Pope]; touch to the quicktouch on the raw, touch a raw nerve.


sensible, sensitiveimpressible, impressionablesusceptive, susceptiblealive to, impassionable, gushingwarm hearted, tender hearted, soft heartedtender as a chickensoft, sentimental, romanticenthusiastic, highflying, spirited, mettlesome, vivacious, lively, expressive, mobile, tremblingly aliveexcitable etc. 825oversensitive, without skin, thin-skinnedfastidious etc. 868.


sensibly etc. adj. — to the quick, to the inmost core.


mens aequa in arduis [Lat.]pour salt in the wound.

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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