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Roget 138: periodicity, intermittence; beat; oscillation etc. 314; pulse, pulsation; rhythm; alternation, alternateness, alternativeness, alternity.    bout, ... show more

Roget 998: rite; ceremony, ritual, liturgy, ceremonial; ordinance, observance, function, duty; form, formulary; solemnity, sacrament; incantation ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Advent, Allhallowmas, Allhallows, Allhallowtide, Annunciation, Annunciation Day, Ascension Day, Ash Wednesday, Candlemas, Candlemas Day, Carnival, Christmas, Corpus Christi, Easter Monday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday, Eastertide, Ember days, Epiphany, Good Friday ... show more.

Find more on Easter elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 Easter

A Christian celebration of the Resurrection of Christ; celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox.

Dutch: Pasen
Polish: Wielkanoc

2 easter

A wind from the east.

synonyms: east wind, easterly.

Dutch: bovenwind, oostenwind

Roget 138: periodicity, intermittence; beat; oscillation etc. 314; pulse, pulsation; rhythm; alternation, alternateness, alternativeness, alternity.    bout, ... show more

Roget 998: rite; ceremony, ritual, liturgy, ceremonial; ordinance, observance, function, duty; form, formulary; solemnity, sacrament; incantation ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Advent, Allhallowmas, Allhallows, Allhallowtide, Annunciation, Annunciation Day, Ascension Day, Ash Wednesday, Candlemas, Candlemas Day, Carnival, Christmas, Corpus Christi, Easter Monday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday, Eastertide, Ember days, Epiphany, Good Friday ... show more.

Find more on easter elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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