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1 feast

A ceremonial dinner party for many people.

synonym: banquet.

Roget 998: rite; ceremony, ritual, liturgy, ceremonial; ordinance, observance, function, duty; form, formulary; solemnity, sacrament; incantation ... show more

Roget 377: pleasure; physical pleasure, sensual pleasure, sensuous pleasure; bodily enjoyment, animal gratification, hedonism, sensuality; luxuriousness etc. adj.; dissipation, round of pleasure, ... show more

Roget 957: gluttony; greed, avarice; greediness etc. adj.; voracity.    epicurism; good living, high living; edacity, gulosity, crapulence; guttling, ... show more

Roget 138: periodicity, intermittence; beat; oscillation etc. 314; pulse, pulsation; rhythm; alternation, alternateness, alternativeness, alternity.    bout, ... show more

Polish: bankiet

2 feast

Something experienced with great delight.

Polish: uczta

3 feast

A meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed:
— The Thanksgiving feast.

synonyms: banquet, spread.

Roget 298: eating etc. v.; deglutition, gulp, epulation, mastication, manducation, rumination; gluttony etc. 957.    [eating specific foods] ... show more

Dutch: banket, feestmaal, festijn, koningsmaal

4 feast

An elaborate party (often outdoors).

synonyms: fete, fiesta.

Roget 883: celebration, solemnization, jubilee, commemoration, ovation, paean, triumph, jubilation, ceremony (rite) 998; holiday, fiesta, zarabanda, ... show more

Roget 840: amusement, entertainment, recreation, fun, game, fun and games; diversion, divertissement; reaction, solace; pastime, passetemps [Fr.], sport; ... show more

Dutch: feest
Polish: fiesta


1 feast

Partake in a feast or banquet.

synonyms: banquet, junket.

Roget 840: amuse, entertain, divert, enliven; tickle the fancy; titillate, raise a smile, put in good humor; cause laughter, create laughter, occasion laughter, raise laughter, excite laughter, produce laughter, ... show more

2 feast

Provide a feast or banquet for.

synonyms: banquet, junket.

3 feast


synonym: feed.

Moby thesaurus: High Holiday, High Holy Day, Lucullan feast, Mardi Gras, Sabbath, Saturnalia, Sunday, allay, anniversary, appease, assuage, bank holiday, banquet, bean-feast, beano, birthday, blow, blowout, board, bread ... show more.

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