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1 sublimity

Nobility in thought or feeling or style.

Roget 206: height, altitude, elevation; eminence, pitch; loftiness etc. adj.; sublimity.    tallness etc. adj.; stature, ... show more

Roget 942: disinterestedness etc. adj.; generosity; liberality, liberalism; altruism; benevolence etc. 906; elevation, loftiness of purpose, exaltation, ... show more

Roget 873: distinction, mark, name, figure; repute, reputation; good repute, high repute; note, notability, notoriety, eclat, the bubble reputation" [As You Like It], ... show more

Roget 574: vigor, power, force; boldness, raciness etc. adj.; intellectual, force; spirit, point, antithesis, piquance, piquancy; ... show more

Roget 845: beauty, the beautiful, to kalon [Gr.], le beau ideal.    [Science of the perception of beauty] aesthetics, callaesthetics.    [-beauty of people] pulchritude, form, elegance, grace, beauty unadorned, ... show more

Polish: wzniosłość, podniosłość, uroczystość

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