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1 sop

Piece of solid food for dipping in a liquid.

synonym: sops.

Roget 32: smallness etc. adj.; littleness etc. (small size) 193; tenuity; paucity; fewness etc. (small number) 103; meanness, ... show more

Roget 973: reward, recompense, remuneration, meed, guerdon, reguerdon; price.    [payment for damage or debt] indemnity, indemnification; quittance; compensation; reparation, redress, ... show more

Roget 615: motive, springs of action, wellsprings of action.    reason, ground, call, principle; by end, by purpose; mainspring, primum mobile [Lat.], keystone; the why and the wherefore; ... show more

Roget 298: eating etc. v.; deglutition, gulp, epulation, mastication, manducation, rumination; gluttony etc. 957.    [eating specific foods] ... show more

Roget 501: fool, idiot, tomfool, wiseacre, simpleton, witling, dizzard, donkey, ass; ninny, ninnyhammer; chowderhead, chucklehead; dolt, ... show more

2 sop

A concession given to mollify or placate.

Dutch: zoethoudertje


A prescribed procedure to be followed routinely.

synonyms: standard operating procedure, standard procedure, standing operating procedure.


1 sop

Give a conciliatory gift or bribe to.

2 sop

Be or become thoroughly soaked or saturated with a liquid.

synonym: soak through.

3 sop

Dip into liquid.

4 sop

Cover with liquid; pour liquid onto.

synonyms: douse, dowse, drench, soak, souse.

Dutch: doordrenken

Moby thesaurus: Milquetoast, ass, baby, baksheesh, bathe, big baby, boodle, born fool, brew, bribe, bribe money, buffoon, buy, buy off, chicken, clown, crybaby, deluge, doodle, doormat ... show more.

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