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1 intend

Have in mind as a purpose.

synonyms: mean, think.

Roget 620: intend, purpose, design, mean; have to; propose to oneself; harbor a design; have in view, have in contemplation, have in one's eye, have in petto; have an eye to.    bid for, labor for; ... show more

Dutch: beogen, intenderen, bedoelen, menen

2 intend

Design or destine:
— She was intended to become the director.

synonyms: designate, destine, specify.

3 intend

Mean or intend to express or convey:
— What do his words intend?.

synonym: mean.

Dutch: van plan zijn, willen, bedoelen, intenderen

4 intend

Denote or connote.

synonyms: mean, signify, stand for.

Moby thesaurus: add up to, aim, aim at, aim to, arrange, aspire after, aspire to, assign, attempt, be after, calculate, cast, concert, connote, contemplate, contrive, cut out, denote, design, designate ... show more.

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