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1 script

A written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance.

synonyms: book, playscript.

Dutch: draaiboek, boeken, scenario, script

2 script

Something written by hand.

synonyms: hand, handwriting.

Roget 590: writing etc. v.; chirography, stelography, cerography; penmanship, craftmanship; quill driving; typewriting.    writing, manuscript, MS.   , literae scriptae [Lat.]; ... show more

Dutch: hand, handschrift, poot
Polish: charakter pisma, pismo, dukt

3 script

A particular orthography or writing system.

Dutch: handschrift, geschrift
Polish: pismo


1 script

Write a script for.

Moby thesaurus: IPA, ITA, Initial Teaching Alphabet, International Phonetic Alphabet, alphabet, alphabetics, arrange, art, article, ascender, autograph, autography, back, bastard type, beard, belly, bevel, black letter, blank, blueprint ... show more.

Find more on script elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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