English synonyms about - contact  


Roget category 541

4. Words relating to the intellectual faculties
4.9. Modes of communication

#541. Learner


learner, scholar, student, pupilapprentice, prentice, journeymanarticled clerkbeginner, tyro, amateur, rank amateurabecedarian, alphabetarianalumnus, eleve [Fr.].
recruit, raw recruit, novice, neophyte, inceptor, catechumen, probationerseminarian, chela, fellow-commonerdebutant.
[apprentice medical doctors] internresident.
schoolboyfresh, freshman, froshjunior soph, juniorsenior soph, seniorsophister, sophomorequestionist.
[college and university students] undergraduategraduate studentlaw studentmedical studentpre-medpost-doctoral student, post-docmatriculated studentpart-time student, night student, auditor.
[group of learners] class, grade, seminar, form, removepupilage etc. (learning) 539.
disciple, follower, apostle, proselytefellow-student, condisciple.
[place of learning] school etc. 542.




in statu pupillari [Lat.], in leading strings.


practise makes perfect.

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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