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Sabbatarianreligious person

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1 Sabbatarian

One who observes Saturday as the Sabbath (as in Judaism).

Roget 955: asceticism, puritanism, sabbatarianism; cynicism, austerity; total abstinence; nephalism.    mortification, maceration, sackcloth and ashes, flagellation; penance etc. ... show more

Roget 988: impiety; sin etc. 945; irreverence; profaneness etc. adj.; profanity, profanation; blasphemy, desecration, sacrilege; scoffing ... show more

Roget 998: rite; ceremony, ritual, liturgy, ceremonial; ordinance, observance, function, duty; form, formulary; solemnity, sacrament; incantation ... show more


1 Sabbatarian

Pertaining to the Sabbath and its observance.

Polish: sabatowy, szabasowy, szabatowy

Moby thesaurus: Albigensian, Catharist, Franciscan, High-Churchist, Trappist, Waldensian, abstainer, abstinent, anchorite, anchoritic, ascetic, austere, bhikshu, bigoted, creedbound, dervish, dogmatic, eremitic, evangelical, fakir ... show more.

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