dress frock woman's clothing caftan kaftan chemise sack shift coatdress cocktail dress sheath dirndl gown jumper pinafore pinny kirtle morning dress Mother Hubbard muumuu polonaise saree sari shirtdress strapless sundress bodice neckline slide fastener zip zip fastener zipper hemline jump to corresponding sense entry
dress noun
1 dress A one-piece garment for a woman; has skirt and bodice.
synonym: frock .
Roget 852 :
fashion ,
style ,
ton ,
bon ton † ,
society ;
good society ,
polite society ;
monde [Fr.] ;
drawing-room ,
civilized life ,
civilization ,
town ,
beau monde [Fr.] ,
high life ,
court ;
world ;
fashionable world ,
gay world ;
Vanity Fair ;
822 .
manners ,
894 ;
air ,
448 ;
savoir faire [Fr.] ;
gentlemanliness † ,
gentility ,
decorum ,
propriety ,
biens_eance [Fr.] ;
conventions of society ;
Mrs .
Grundy ;
punctilio ;
form ,
formality ;
etiquette ,
point of etiquette ;
225 .
613 ;
mode ,
vogue ,
go ;
865 ;
prevailing taste ;
fad ,
trend ,
bandwagon ,
furore † ,
thing ,
in thing ,
craze ,
chic ,
last word .
man of fashion ,
woman of fashion ,
man of the world ,
woman of the world ;
height of fashion ,
pink of fashion ,
star of fashion ,
glass of fashion ,
leader of fashion ;
arbiter elegantiarum [Lat.]
850 ;
the beautiful people ,
the fashion set ,
upper ten thousand
875 ;
873 ;
smart set ;
the four hundred [U.S.] ;
in crowd .
... show more
Roget 882 :
ostentation ,
display ,
show ,
flourish ,
parade ,
etalage [Fr.] ,
pomp ,
array ,
state ,
solemnity ;
dash ,
splash ,
splurge ,
glitter ,
strut ,
pomposity ;
pretense ,
pretensions ;
showing off ;
fuss .
magnificence ,
splendor ;
coup d'oeil [Fr.] ;
grand doings .
coup de theatre ;
stage effect ,
stage trick ;
claptrap ;
mise en scene [Fr.] ;
tour de force ;
chic .
demonstration ,
flying colors ;
tomfoolery ;
flourish of trumpets
883 ;
pageant ,
pageantry ;
spectacle ,
exhibition ,
exposition ,
procession ;
turn out ,
set out ;
grand function ;
f=ete ,
gala ,
field day ,
review ,
march past ,
promenade ,
insubstantial pageant .
dress ;
court dress ,
full dress ,
evening dress ,
ball dress ,
fancy dress ;
tailoring ,
millinery ,
man millinery ,
frippery ,
foppery ,
equipage .
ceremony ,
ceremonial ;
ritual ;
form ,
formality ;
etiquette ;
puncto [Lat.] ,
punctilio ,
punctiliousness ;
starched stateliness ,
stateliness .
mummery ,
solemn mockery ,
mouth honor .
attitudinarian † ;
854 .
... show more
2 dress Clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion:— Battle dress.
synonyms: attire , garb .
Dutch: als de kat van huis is, dansen de muizen op tafel, dos, dracht, gelegenheidskleding, uitdossing, uitmonstering Polish: ubiór, przyodzienie, strój, ubranie
3 dress Clothing in general:— Fastidious about his dress.
synonyms: apparel , clothes , wearing apparel .
Roget 225 :
clothing ,
investment ;
223 ;
dress ,
raiment ,
drapery ,
costume ,
attire ,
guise ,
toilet ,
toilette ,
trim ;
habiliment ;
vesture ,
vestment ;
garment ,
garb ,
palliament † ,
apparel ,
wardrobe ,
wearing apparel ,
clothes ,
things ;
underclothes .
array ;
tailoring ,
millinery ;
847 ;
full dress
882 ;
garniture ;
theatrical properties .
outfit ,
equipment ,
trousseau ;
uniform ,
regimentals ;
continentals [U.S.] ;
999 ;
livery ,
gear ,
harness ,
turn-out ,
accouterment ,
caparison ,
suit ,
rigging ,
trappings ,
traps ,
slops ,
togs ,
toggery † ;
day wear ,
night wear ,
zoot suit ;
designer clothes ;
masquerade .
dishabille ,
morning dress ,
undress .
kimono ;
lungi † ;
shooting-coat ;
mufti ;
rags ,
tatters ,
old clothes ;
mourning ,
weeds ;
duds ;
slippers .
robe ,
tunic ,
paletot † ,
habit ,
gown ,
coat ,
frock ,
blouse ,
toga ,
smock frock ,
claw coat ,
hammer coat ,
Prince Albert coat † ,
sack coat ,
tuxedo coat ,
frock coat ,
dress coat ,
tail coat .
cloak ,
pall ,
mantle ,
mantlet mantua † ,
shawl ,
pelisse ,
wrapper ;
veil ;
cape ,
tippet ,
kirtle † ,
plaid ,
muffler ,
comforter ,
haik † ,
huke † ,
chlamys † ,
mantilla ,
tabard ,
housing ,
horse cloth ,
burnoose ,
burnous ,
roquelaure † ;
houppelande [Fr.] ;
surcoat ,
overcoat ,
great coat ;
surtout [Fr.] ,
spencer † ;
mackintosh ,
waterproof ,
raincoat ;
ulster ,
P-coat ,
dreadnought ,
wraprascal † ,
poncho ,
cardinal ,
pelerine † ;
barbe † ,
chudder † ,
jubbah † ,
oilskins ,
pajamas ,
pilot jacket ,
talma jacket † ,
vest ,
jerkin ,
waistcoat ,
doublet ,
camisole ,
gabardine ;
farthingale ,
kilt ,
jupe † ,
crinoline ,
bustle ,
panier ,
skirt ,
apron ,
pinafore ;
bloomer ,
bloomers ;
chaqueta † ,
songtag [G.] ,
tablier † .
pants ,
trousers ,
trowsers † ;
breeches ,
pantaloons ,
inexpressibles † ,
overalls ,
smalls ,
small clothes ;
shintiyan † ;
shorts ,
jockey shorts ,
boxer shorts ;
tights ,
drawers ,
panties ,
unmentionables ;
knickers ,
knickerbockers ;
philibeg † ,
fillibeg † ;
pants suit ;
culottes ;
jeans ,
blue jeans ,
dungarees ,
denims .
[brand names for jeans]
Levis ,
Calvin Klein ,
Calvins ,
Bonjour ,
Gloria Vanderbilt .
headdress ,
headgear ;
chapeau [Fr.] ,
crush hat ,
opera hat ;
kaffiyeh ;
sombrero ,
jam ,
tam-o-shanter ,
tarboosh † ,
topi ,
sola topi [Lat.] ,
pagri † ,
puggaree † ;
cap ,
hat ,
beaver hat ,
coonskin cap ;
castor ,
bonnet ,
tile ,
wideawake ,
billycock † ,
wimple ;
nightcap ,
mobcap † ,
skullcap ;
hood ,
coif ;
capote † ,
calash ;
kerchief ,
snood ,
babushka ;
head ,
coiffure ;
247 ;
chignon ,
pelt ,
wig ,
front ,
peruke ,
periwig ,
caftan ,
turban ,
fez ,
shako ,
csako † ,
busby ;
kepi † ,
forage cap ,
bearskin ;
baseball cap ;
fishing hat ;
717 ;
mask ,
domino .
body clothes ;
linen ;
hickory shirt [U.S.] ;
shirt ,
sark † ,
smock ,
shift ,
chemise ;
night gown ,
negligee ,
dressing gown ,
night shirt ;
bedgown † ,
sac de nuit [Fr.] .
underpants ,
undershirt ;
[for women],
brassiere ,
corset ,
stays ,
corsage ,
corset ,
corselet ,
bodice ,
247 ;
stomacher ;
petticoat ,
panties ;
under waistcoat ;
[for men],
athletic supporter ,
jockstrap .
sweater ,
jersey ;
cardigan ;
turtleneck ,
pullover ;
sweater vest .
neckerchief ,
neckcloth † ;
tie ,
ruff ,
collar ,
cravat ,
stock ,
handkerchief ,
scarf ;
bib ,
tucker ;
boa ;
cummerbund ,
rumal † ,
rabat † .
shoe ,
pump ,
boot ,
slipper ,
sandal ,
galoche † ,
galoshes ,
patten ,
clog ;
sneakers ,
running shoes ,
hiking boots ;
high-low ;
Blucher boot ,
wellington boot ,
Hessian boot ,
jack boot ,
top boot ;
Balmoral † ;
arctics ,
bootee ,
bootikin † ,
brogan ,
chaparajos † ;
chavar † ,
chivarras † ,
chivarros † ;
gums [U.S.] ,
larrigan [U.S.] ,
rubbers ,
showshoe ,
stogy † ,
veldtschoen [G.] ,
legging ,
buskin ,
greave † ,
galligaskin † ,
gamache † ,
gamashes † ,
moccasin ,
gambado ,
gaiter ,
spatterdash † ,
brogue ,
antigropelos † ;
stocking ,
hose ,
gaskins † ,
trunk hose ,
sock ;
hosiery .
glove ,
gauntlet ,
mitten ,
cuff ,
wristband ,
sleeve .
swaddling cloth ,
baby linen ,
layette ;
ice wool ;
taffeta .
pocket handkerchief ,
hanky † ,
hankie .
clothier ,
tailor ,
milliner ,
costumier ,
sempstress † ,
snip ;
dressmaker ,
habitmaker † ,
breechesmaker † ,
shoemaker ;
Crispin ;
friseur [Fr.] ;
cordwainer † ,
cobbler ,
hosier † ,
hatter ;
draper ,
linen draper ,
haberdasher ,
mercer .
[underpants for babies]
diaper ,
nappy [Brit.] ;
disposable diaper ,
cloth diaper ;
[brand names for diapers],
Huggies .
... show more
Dutch: kleren, kledij, kleding
1 dress 2 dress Provide with clothes or put clothes on:— Parents must feed and dress their child.
synonyms: apparel , clothe , enclothe , fit out , garb , garment , habilitate , raiment , tog .
Roget 225 :
invest ;
223 ;
envelope ,
lap ,
involve ;
inwrap † ,
enwrap ;
wrap ;
fold up ,
wrap up ,
lap up ,
muffle up ;
overlap ;
sheath ,
swathe ,
swaddle ,
roll up in ,
circumvest .
vest ,
clothe ,
array ,
dress ,
dight † ,
drape ,
robe ,
enrobe ,
attire ,
apparel ,
accounter † ,
rig ,
fit out ;
847 ;
perk ,
equip ,
harness ,
caparison .
wear ;
don ;
put on ,
huddle on ,
slip on ;
mantle .
... show more
Dutch: aankleden, kleden
3 dress 4 dress Dress in a certain manner:— She dresses in the latest Paris fashion. — He dressed up in a suit and tie.
synonym: dress up .
Roget 673 :
prepare ;
get ready ,
make ready ;
make preparations ,
settle preliminaries ,
get up ,
sound the note of preparation .
set in order ,
put in order
60 ;
626 ;
prepare the ground ,
plow the ground ,
dress the ground ;
till the soil ,
cultivate the soil ;
predispose ,
sow the seed ,
lay a train ,
dig a mine ;
lay the groundwork ,
fix the groundwork ,
lay the basis ,
fix the basis ,
lay the foundations ,
fix the foundations ;
dig the foundations ,
erect the scaffolding ;
lay the first stone
66 .
roughhew ;
cut out work ;
block out ,
hammer out ;
lick into shape
240 .
elaborate ,
mature ,
ripen ,
mellow ,
season ,
bring to maturity ;
707 ;
hatch ,
cook ,
brew ;
temper ,
anneal ,
smelt ;
barbecue ;
infumate † ;
maturate .
equip ,
arm ,
man ;
fit-out ,
fit up ;
furnish ,
rig ,
dress ,
garnish ,
betrim † ,
accouter ,
array ,
fettle ,
fledge ;
dress up ,
furbish up ,
brush up ,
vamp up ;
refurbish ;
sharpen one's tools ,
trim one's foils ,
set ,
prime ,
attune ;
whet the knife ,
whet the sword ;
wind up ,
screw up ;
27 ;
put in trim ,
put in train ,
put in gear ,
put in working order ,
put in tune ,
put in a groove for ,
put in harness ;
pack .
537 ;
613 ;
breed ;
prepare for
rehearse ;
make provision for ;
take steps ,
take measures ,
take precautions ;
provide ,
provide against ;
beat up for recruits ;
open the door to
705 .
set one's house in order ,
make all snug ;
clear the decks ,
clear for action ;
close one's ranks ;
shuffle the cards .
prepare oneself ;
serve an apprenticeship
539 ;
lay oneself out for ,
get into harness ,
gird up one's loins ,
buckle on one's armor ,
reculer pour mieux sauter [Fr.] ,
prime and load ,
shoulder arms ,
get the steam up ,
put the horses to .
guard against ,
make sure against ;
forearm ,
make sure ,
prepare for the evil day ,
have a rod in pickle ,
provide against a rainy day ,
feather one's nest ;
lay in provisions
637 ;
make investments ;
keep on foot .
be prepared ,
be ready
hold oneself in readiness ,
keep one's powder dry ;
lie in wait for
507 ;
510 ;
principiis obstare [Lat.] ;
veniente occurrere morbo [Lat.] .
... show more
Dutch: kleden
5 dress Dress or groom with elaborate care:— She likes to dress when going to the opera.
synonyms: plume , preen , primp .
6 dress Kill and prepare for market or consumption:— Dress a turkey.
synonym: dress out .
7 dress Arrange in ranks:— Dress troops.
synonym: line up .
8 dress Decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods.
synonyms: garnish , trim .
Roget 27 :
be equal
equal ,
match ,
reach ,
keep pace with ,
run abreast ;
come to ,
amount to ,
come up to ;
be on a level with ,
lie on a level with ;
balance ;
cope with ;
come to the same thing .
render equal
equalize level ,
dress ,
balance ,
equate ,
handicap ,
give points ,
spot points ,
handicap ,
trim ,
adjust ,
poise ;
fit ,
accommodate ;
(render accordant)
23 ;
strike a balance ;
establish equality ,
restore equality ,
restore equilibrium ;
readjust ;
stretch on the bed of Procrustes .
... show more
Roget 972 :
punish ;
chastise ,
chasten ;
castigate ,
correct ,
inflict punishment ,
administer correction ,
deal retributive justice ;
cowhide ,
lambaste [Slang] .
visit upon ,
pay ;
pay out ,
serve out ;
do for ;
make short work of ,
give a lesson to ,
serve one right ,
make an example of ;
have a rod in pickle for ;
give it one .
276 ;
deal a blow to ,
administer the lash ,
smite ;
slap ,
slap the face ;
smack ,
cuff ,
box the ears ,
spank ,
thwack ,
thump ,
beat ,
lay on ,
swinge † ,
buffet ;
thresh ,
thrash ,
pummel ,
drub ,
leather ,
trounce ,
sandbag ,
baste ,
belabor ;
lace ,
lace one's jacket ;
dress ,
dress down ,
give a dressing ,
trim ,
warm ,
wipe ,
tund † ,
cob ,
bang ,
strap ,
comb ,
lash ,
lick ,
larrup ,
wallop ,
whop ,
flog ,
scourge ,
whip ,
birch ,
cane ,
give the stick ,
switch ,
flagellate ,
horsewhip ,
bastinado ,
towel ,
rub down with an oaken towel ,
rib roast ,
dust one's jacket ,
fustigate † ,
pitch into ,
lay about one ,
beat black and blue ;
beat to a mummy ,
beat to a jelly ;
give a black eye .
tar and feather ;
pelt ,
stone ,
lapidate † ;
masthead ,
keelhaul .
execute ;
bring to the block ,
bring to the gallows ;
behead ,
decapitate ,
guillotine ;
decollate ;
hang ,
turn off ,
gibbet ,
bowstring ,
hang draw and quarter ;
shoot ;
decimate ;
burn ;
break on the wheel ,
crucify ;
empale † ,
impale ;
flay ;
lynch ;
electrocute ;
gas ,
send to the gas chamber .
torture ;
put on ,
put to the rack ;
picket .
banish ,
exile ,
transport ,
expel ,
ostracize ;
rusticate ;
drum out ;
dismiss ,
disbar ,
disbench † ;
strike off the roll ,
unfrock ;
post .
suffer ,
suffer for ,
suffer punishment ;
be flogged .
be executed ,
suffer the ultimate penalty ;
be hanged
come to the gallows ,
mount the gallows ,
swing [Coll.] ,
twist in the wind ,
dance upon nothing ,
die in one's shoes ;
be rightly served ;
be electrocuted ,
fry [Coll.] ,
ride the lightning [Coll.] ;
face the firing squad .
... show more
Roget 847 :
ornament ,
embellish ,
enrich ,
decorate ,
adorn ,
bead ,
beautify ,
adonize † .
smarten ,
furbish ,
polish ,
gild ,
varnish ,
whitewash ,
enamel ,
japan ,
lacquer ,
paint ,
grain .
garnish ,
trim ,
dizen † ,
bedizen ,
prink † ,
prank ;
trick out ,
fig out ;
deck ,
bedeck ,
dight † ,
bedight † ,
array ;
begawd † ,
titivate † ;
dress ,
dress up ;
spangle ,
bespangle ,
powder ;
embroider ,
work ;
chase ,
emboss ,
fret ,
emblazon ;
illuminate ;
illustrate .
(accord with)
23 .
... show more
Dutch: garneren, sieren
9 dress Provide with decoration:— Dress the windows.
synonym: decorate .
Dutch: sieren, opsmukken
10 dress 11 dress 12 dress Cut down rough-hewn (lumber) to standard thickness and width.
13 dress 14 dress Apply a bandage or medication to.
15 dress Give a neat appearance to:— Dress the horses.
synonyms: curry , groom .
16 dress Arrange attractively:— Dress my hair for the wedding.
synonyms: arrange , coif , coiffe , coiffure , do , set .
Roget 23 :
be accordant
agree ,
accord ,
harmonize ;
correspond ,
tally ,
respond ;
meet ,
suit ,
fit ,
befit ,
do ,
adapt itself to ;
fall in with ,
chime in with ,
square with ,
quadrate with ,
consort with ,
comport with ;
dovetail ,
assimilate ;
fit like a glove ,
fit to a tittle ,
fit to a T ;
17 ;
become one ;
homologate † .
488 .
render accordant
fit ,
suit ,
adapt ,
accommodate ;
graduate ;
(render equal)
27 ;
dress ,
regulate ,
readjust ;
accord ,
harmonize ,
reconcile ;
fadge † ,
dovetail ,
square .
... show more
Dutch: coifferen, kappen
1 dress Suitable for formal occasions:— A full-dress uniform. — Dress shoes.
synonym: full-dress .
2 dress of an occasion Requiring formal clothes:— A dress dinner. — A full-dress ceremony.
synonym: full-dress .
Moby thesaurus: Mother Hubbard , accouter , adorn , anoint , apparel , appoint , arm , armory , arrange , array , attire , backset , badge , badge of office , badges , ballet skirt , bandage , bathe , baton , bawl out , beautify , bedeck , bedizen , bedizenment , bedrape , beeswax , berate , bib and tucker , bind , blazon , blazonry , bless , brassard , brush up , buff , bundle up , burnish , butcher , button , camouflage , cap and gown , care for , castigate , chain , chain of office , cheongsam , chew out , chiton , clad , class ring , clean , clear for action , clear the decks , clothe , clothes , clothing , cockade , cocktail dress , collar , color , costume , crinoline , cross , culottes , cultivate , culture , cure , cut , dab , dandify , daub , deck , deck out , decorate , decoration , delve , deploy , diagnose , dig , dight , dirndl , disguise , dizen , doctor , doll up , drag , drape , drapery , dress down , dress up , dresses , dressing , dub , dud , duds , eagle , embellish , emblazon , emblems , embrocate , embroider , enclothe , endue , enrich , enrobe , enshroud , ensigns , envelop , enwrap , equalize , equip , even , fallow , fasces , fashion , fatigues , fatten , feathers , fecundify , fertilize , fettle , fig , fig out , figurehead , fit , fit out , fit up , fix , fix up , flatten , fleur-de-lis , flux , force , frock , fructify , full skirt , furbish , furnish , garb , garment , garments , garnish , gear , get ready , give care to , glycerolate , gown , grace , grade , grass skirt , grease , grease the wheels , groom , guise , gussy up , gut , habiliment , habiliments , habilitate , habit , hammer and sickle , harrow , heal , heel , heraldry , hobble skirt , hoe , impregnate , inseminate , insignia , invest , investiture , investment , jumper , jupe , kilt , kirtle , labor , lap , lapel pin , lard , lay , level , linen , list , livery , lubricate , mace , make arrangements , make preparations , make ready , man , manicure , mantle , mantua , manure , markings , marshal , masquerade , massage , maxiskirt , medal , medicate , microskirt , midiskirt , miniskirt , minister to , mobilize , mortarboard , mow , muffle up , mulch , munition , muu-muu , nurse , oil , old school tie , operate on , ornament , outfit , overdress , paint , pannier , peplum , petticoat , physic , pin , pinafore , plan , plane , planish , plaster , plow , plume , polish , pomade , poultice , prank , prank up , prearrange , preen , prep , prepare , pretreat , prettify , primp , primp up , prink , prink up , process , prolificate , provide , prune , purge , put in shape , rag out , rags , raiment , rake , ready , ready up , rebuke , redecorate , redo , refurbish , regalia , remedy , reprimand , reprove , rig , rig out , rig up , ring , robe , robes , rose , rub , rub up , sack , salve , sand , sandblast , sandpaper , sari , sarong , school ring , scold , set off , set out , settle preliminaries , shamrock , shave , sheath , sheathe , shine , shirtdress , shroud , sigillography , skirt , skull and crossbones , slaughter , slick , slick on , slit skirt , smarten , smarten up , smear , smooth , smooth down , smooth out , smooth the way , soap the ways , spade , sphragistics , splint , sportswear , spruce up , staff , strap , style , suit , swaddle , swastika , swathe , tan , tartan , tea gown , tell off , tend , thin , thin out , things , thistle , threads , tie , till , till the soil , tire , titivate , togs , toilette , tongue-lash , treat , trick out , trick up , trim , try out , turn out , tutu , unguent , uniform , upbraid , verge , vestment , vesture , wand , wax , wear , wearing apparel , weed , weed out , work , wrap , wrap up ... show more .
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