English synonyms about - contact  

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1 foil

A piece of thin and flexible sheet metal.

Roget 14: contrariety, contrast, foil, antithesis, oppositeness; contradiction; antagonism etc. (opposition) 708; clashing, repugnance.    inversion etc. ... show more

Roget 204: layer, stratum, strata, course, bed, zone, substratum, substrata, floor, flag, stage, story, tier, slab, ... show more

Roget 727: arm, arms; weapon, deadly weapon; armament, armaments, armature; panoply, stand of arms; armor etc. (defense) 717; armory ... show more

Dutch: folie, floret, Aluminiumfolie
Polish: folia

2 foil

Anything that serves by contrast to call attention to another thing's good qualities:
— Pretty girls like plain friends as foils.

synonym: enhancer.

3 foil

A device consisting of a flat or curved piece (as a metal plate) so that its surface reacts to the water it is passing through:
— The fins of a fish act as hydrofoils.

synonym: hydrofoil.

4 foil

Picture consisting of a positive photograph or drawing on a transparent base; viewed with a projector.

synonym: transparency.

Dutch: transparant
Polish: przezrocze, diapozytyw, przeźrocze

5 foil

A light slender flexible sword tipped by a button.

Polish: floret


1 foil

Enhance by contrast.

2 foil

Hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of:
— Foil your opponent.

synonyms: baffle, bilk, cross, frustrate, queer, scotch, spoil, thwart.

Roget 706: hinder, impede, filibuster [U.S.], impedite, embarrass.    keep off, stave off, ward off; obviate; avert, antevert; turn aside, draw off, ... show more

Dutch: afweren, dwarsbomen, frustreren, torpederen

3 foil

Cover or back with foil.

Dutch: frustreren

Moby thesaurus: Roscius, actor, actress, antagonist, antipode, antipodes, antipole, antithesis, antonym, background, background detail, bad guy, baffle, bafflement, balk, balking, barnstormer, beat, bilbo, bilk ... show more.

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