English synonyms about - contact  

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1 burial

The ritual placing of a corpse in a grave.

synonyms: entombment, inhumation, interment, sepulture.

Roget 363: interment, burial, sepulture; inhumation; obsequies, exequies; funeral, wake, pyre, funeral pile; cremation.    funeral, funeral rite, ... show more

Roget 998: rite; ceremony, ritual, liturgy, ceremonial; ordinance, observance, function, duty; form, formulary; solemnity, sacrament; incantation ... show more

Dutch: teraardebestelling, uitvaart, begrafenis, bijzetting

2 burial

Concealing something under the ground.

synonym: burying.

Polish: zagrzebanie


Roget 363: burried etc. v.; burial, funereal, funebrial; mortuary, sepulchral, cinerary; elegiac; necroscopic.   

Moby thesaurus: baptism, barrow, beehive tomb, bone house, box grave, burial at sea, burial chamber, burial customs, burial mound, burying, catacombs, cenotaph, charnel house, cist, cist grave, clouding, concealedness, concealment, cortege, covering ... show more.

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