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1 offertory

The offerings of the congregation at a religious service.

Roget 990: worship, adoration, devotion, aspiration, homage, service, humiliation; kneeling, genuflection, prostration.    prayer, invocation, supplication, rogation, ... show more

Roget 998: rite; ceremony, ritual, liturgy, ceremonial; ordinance, observance, function, duty; form, formulary; solemnity, sacrament; incantation ... show more

Roget 784: giving etc. v.; bestowal, bestowment, donation; presentation, presentment; accordance; concession; delivery, consignment, dispensation, communication, ... show more

2 Offertory

The part of the Eucharist when bread and wine are offered to God.

Dutch: collecte, offertorium

Moby thesaurus: Agnus Dei, Benedicite, Gloria, Gloria Patri, Gloria in Excelsis, Introit, Magnificat, Miserere, Negro spiritual, Nunc Dimittis, Te Deum, Trisagion, Vedic hymn, alleluia, alms, alms fee, answer, anthem, antiphon, antiphony ... show more.

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