English synonyms about - contact  
lawyerattorneyprofessionalprofessional personadvocatecounselcounsellorcounselorcounselor-at-lawpleaderambulance chaserbarristerconveyancerdefense attorneydefense lawyerdivorce lawyerprosecuting attorneyprosecuting officerprosecutorpublic prosecutorpublic defenderrefereesolicitortrial attorneytrial lawyerAbul-Walid Mohammed ibn-Ahmad Ibn-Mohammed ibn-RoshdAverroesibn-RoshdBoy Orator of the PlatteBryanGreat CommonerWilliam Jennings BryanClarence DarrowClarence Seward DarrowDarrowArthur Garfield HaysHaysHaysWill HaysWilliam Harrison HaysHooverJ. Edgar HooverJohn Edgar HooverFrancis Scott KeyKeyAbraham LincolnLincolnPresident Abraham LincolnPresident Lincoln



1 lawyer

A professional person authorized to practice law; conducts lawsuits or gives legal advice.

synonym: attorney.

Roget 963: legality; legitimacy, legitimateness.    legislature; law, code, corpus juris [Lat.], constitution, pandect, charter, enactment, statute, rule; canon ... show more

Roget 968: lawyer, attorney, legal counsel; counsel, counsellor, counsellor at law, attorney at law; jurist, legist, civilian, pundit, publicist, juris consult [Lat.], ... show more

Dutch: jurist, advocaat, advocate, pleiter, raadsman, verdediger, voorspraak
Polish: prawnik

Find more on lawyer elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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