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pyxpixpix chestpyx chestchest

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1 pyx

A chest in which coins from the mint are held to await assay.

synonyms: pix, pix chest, pyx chest.

Roget 1000: place of worship; house of God, house of prayer.    temple, cathedral, minster, church, kirk, chapel, meetinghouse, bethel, tabernacle, conventicle, ... show more

Roget 191: receptacle; inclosure etc. 232; recipient, receiver, reservatory.    compartment; cell, cellule; follicle; hole, corner, niche, ... show more

Roget 998: rite; ceremony, ritual, liturgy, ceremonial; ordinance, observance, function, duty; form, formulary; solemnity, sacrament; incantation ... show more

Dutch: ciborie, hostiekelk

2 pyx

Any receptacle in which wafers for the Eucharist are kept.

synonym: pix.

Dutch: ciborie, hostiekelk

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