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1 world

Everything that exists anywhere.

synonyms: cosmos, creation, existence, macrocosm, universe.

Roget 180: space, extension, extent, superficial extent, expanse, stretch, hyperspace; room, scope, range, field, way, expansion, compass, ... show more

Roget 852: fashion, style, ton, bon ton, society; good society, polite society; monde [Fr.]; drawing-room, civilized life, civilization, town, beau monde [Fr.], high life, ... show more

Roget 318: world, creation, nature, universe; earth, globe, wide world; cosmos; kosmos; terraqueous globe, sphere; macrocosm, megacosm; music of the spheres.    ... show more

Roget 31: greatness etc. adj.; magnitude; size etc. (dimensions) 192; multitude etc. (number) 102; immensity; enormity; ... show more

Roget 3: substantiality, hypostasis; person, being, thing, object, article, item; something, a being, an existence; creature, body, substance, ... show more

Dutch: macrocosmos, macrokosmos, al, heelal, kosmos, ruim, ruimte, schepping, universum, wereldruim ... show more
Polish: uniwersum, wszechświat, kosmos, makrokosmos, makroświat, świat

2 world

People in general; especially a distinctive group of people with some shared interest:
— The Western world.

synonym: domain.

3 world

All of your experiences that determine how things appear to you:
— His world was shattered.
— We live in different worlds.

synonym: reality.

Dutch: wereld

4 world

The 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on:
— He sailed around the world.

synonyms: earth, globe.

Dutch: aardbol, Aarde, aarde, aardkloot, aardrijk, ondermaanse, wereld, wereldbol
Polish: błękitna planeta, świat, kula ziemska, Ziemia, glob, niebieska planeta, trzecia planeta od Słońca, padół

5 world

People in general considered as a whole.

synonyms: populace, public.

Dutch: gepeupel, buitenwacht, buitenwereld

6 world

A part of the earth that can be considered separately.

7 world

The concerns of this life as distinguished from heaven and the afterlife:
— They consider the church to be independent of the world.

synonyms: earth, earthly concern, worldly concern.

Dutch: aarde

8 world

All of the living human inhabitants of the earth:
— All the world loves a lover.

synonyms: human beings, human race, humanity, humankind, humans, man, mankind.

Roget 372: man, mankind; human race, human species, human kind, human nature; humanity, mortality, flesh, generation.    [Science of man] anthropology, anthropogeny, ... show more

Dutch: aarde, wereld, mensdom, mensengeslacht, mensheid
Polish: ród człowieczy, ród ludzki, ludzkość, plemię Adamowe


1 world

Involving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope:
— A world crisis.
— Of worldwide significance.

synonyms: global, planetary, world-wide, worldwide.

Polish: wszechświatowy, globowy, światowy, ogólnoświatowy, globalny

Moby thesaurus: Africa, America, Antipodes, Asia, Asia Major, Asia Minor, Australasia, Copernican universe, Earth, East, Eastern Hemisphere, Einsteinian universe, Eurasia, Europe, Everyman, Far East, Gaea, Ge, John Doe, Levant ... show more.

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