Roget category 998
6. Words relating to the sentient and moral› 6.5. Religious affections
›› 6.5.5. Religious institutions
rite — ceremony, ritual, liturgy, ceremonial — ordinance, observance, function, duty — form, formulary — solemnity, sacrament — incantation etc. (spell) 993 — service, psalmody etc. (worship) 990.ministration — preaching, preachment — predication, sermon, homily, lecture, discourse, pastoral.
[Christian ritual for induction into the faith] baptism, christening, chrism — circumcision — baptismal regeneration — font.
confirmation — imposition of hands, laying on of hands — ordination etc. (churchdom) 995 — excommunication.
[Jewish rituals] Bar Mitzvah, Bas Mitzvah [Fr.], Bris.
Eucharist, Lord's supper, communion — the sacrament, the holy sacrament — celebration, high celebration — missa cantata [Lat.] — asperges† — offertory — introit — consecration — consubstantiation, transubstantiation — real presence — elements — mass — high mass, low mass, dry mass.
matrimony etc. 903 — burial etc. 363 — visitation of the sick.
seven sacraments, impanation†, subpanation†, extreme unction, viaticum, invocation of saints, canonization, transfiguration, auricular confession — maceration, flagellation, sackcloth and ashes — penance etc. (atonement) 952 — telling of beads, processional — thurification†, incense, holy water, aspersion.
relics, rosary, beads, reliquary, host, cross, rood, crucifix, pax [Lat.], pyx, agnus Dei [Lat.], censer, thurible, patera† — eileton†, Holy Grail — prayer machine, prayer wheel — Sangraal†, urceus†.
ritualism, ceremonialism — sabbatism†, sabbatarianism† — ritualist, sabbatarian†.
holyday, feast, fast.
[Christian holy days] Sabbath, Pentecost — Advent, Christmas, Epiphany — Lent — Passion week, Holy week — Easter, Easter Sunday, Whitsuntide — agape, Ascension Day, Candlemas†, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Holy Thursday — Lammas, Martinmas, Michaelmas — All SAint's DAy, All Souls' Day.
[Moslem holy days] Ramadan, Ramazan — Bairam &c.. etc. [Jewish holy days] Passover — Shabuoth — Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement — Rosh Hashana, New Year — Hanukkah, Chanukkah, Feast of Lights — Purim, Feast of lots.
perform service [ritual actions of clergy], do duty, minister, officiate, baptize, dip, sprinkle — anoint, confirm, lay hands on — give the sacrament, administer the sacrament — administer extreme unction — hear confession, administer holy penance, shrive — excommunicate, ban with bell book and candle.[ritual actions of believers] attend services, attend mass, go to mass, hear mass — take the sacrament, receive the sacrament, receive communion, attend the sacrament, partake of the sacrament, partake of communion — communicate — receive extreme unction — confess, go to confession, receive penance — anele†.
[teaching functions of clergy] preach, sermonize, predicate, lecture.
ritual, ritualistic — ceremonial — baptismal, eucharistical — paschal.phrase
what art thou, thou idol ceremony? [Henry V].The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.
Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.
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