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fontcasefacefounttypefacetypeunicameral scriptbicameral scriptconstant-width fontfixed-width fontmonospaced fonttypewriter fontproportional fontcartridge fontfont cartridgeblack letterGothicboldbold faceboldfaceitalicraster fontscreen fontHelveticasans seriftype family

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1 font

A specific size and style of type within a type family.

synonyms: case, face, fount, typeface.

Roget 998: rite; ceremony, ritual, liturgy, ceremonial; ordinance, observance, function, duty; form, formulary; solemnity, sacrament; incantation ... show more

Roget 591: printing; block printing, type-printing; plate printing etc. 558 (engraving); the press etc. (publication) 531; composition.    print, letterpress, ... show more

Roget 153: cause, origin, source, principle, element; occasioner, prime mover, primum mobile [Lat.]; vera causa [Lat.]; author etc. (producer) 164; mainspring; ... show more

Dutch: font, lettersoort, lettertype, schrift, type
Polish: czcionka, druk, font, krój

2 font

Bowl for baptismal water.

synonyms: baptismal font, baptistery, baptistry.

Roget 1000: place of worship; house of God, house of prayer.    temple, cathedral, minster, church, kirk, chapel, meetinghouse, bethel, tabernacle, conventicle, ... show more

Dutch: baptisterium, doopkapel, doopvont, fontein, wijwaterbekken
Polish: baptysterium, chrzcielnica

Moby thesaurus: affusion, ascender, aspergation, aspersion, back, baptism, baptismal gown, baptismal regeneration, baptistery, baptizement, bastard type, beard, belly, bevel, black letter, body, bonanza, cap, capital, case ... show more.

Find more on font elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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