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1 holograph

Handwritten book or document.

synonym: manuscript.

Roget 590: writing etc. v.; chirography, stelography, cerography; penmanship, craftmanship; quill driving; typewriting.    writing, manuscript, MS.   , literae scriptae [Lat.]; ... show more

Roget 556: painting; depicting; drawing etc. v.; design; perspective, sciagraphy, skiagraphy; chiaroscuro etc. (light) 420; composition; ... show more

Roget 558: engraving, chalcography; line engraving, mezzotint engraving, stipple engraving, chalk engraving; dry point, bur; etching, aquatinta; chiseling; plate engraving, copperplate engraving, steel engraving, ... show more

Dutch: manuscript
Polish: rękopis, manuskrypt

2 holograph

The intermediate photograph (or photographic record) that contains information for reproducing a three-dimensional image by holography.

synonym: hologram.

Dutch: hologram
Polish: hologram

Moby thesaurus: article, autograph, blank, brainchild, chirograph, composition, computer printout, copy, docket, document, dossier, draft, edited version, engrossment, essay, fair copy, fiction, file, final draft, finished version ... show more.

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