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1 jewel

A precious or semiprecious stone incorporated into a piece of jewelry.

synonyms: gem, precious stone.

Roget 845: beauty, the beautiful, to kalon [Gr.], le beau ideal.    [Science of the perception of beauty] aesthetics, callaesthetics.    [-beauty of people] pulchritude, form, elegance, grace, beauty unadorned, ... show more

Roget 847a: jewel [general], , jewelry, jewellery; bijoutry; bijou, bijouterie [Fr.]; trinket; fine jewelry; costume jewelry, junk jewelry; gem, gemstone, precious stone.    ... show more

Roget 899: favorite, pet, cosset, minion, idol, jewel, spoiled child, enfant gat_e [Fr.]; led captain; crony; fondling; apple of one's eye, man after one's own heart; persona grata.    ... show more

Roget 948: good man, honest man, worthy.    good woman, perfect lady, Madonna.    model, paragon etc. (perfection) 650; good example; hero, ... show more

Roget 648: goodness etc. adj.; excellence, merit; virtue etc. 944; value, worth, price.    super-excellence, supereminence; superiority ... show more

Dutch: kwarts, juweel, edelsteen, edelgesteente
Polish: kamień szlachetny

2 jewel

A person who is as brilliant and precious as a piece of jewelry.

synonym: gem.

Dutch: schat
Polish: skarb


1 jewel

Adorn or decorate with precious stones:
— Jeweled dresses.

synonym: bejewel.

Moby thesaurus: acceptable person, anklet, armlet, ball bearing, bangle, bead, beads, bearing, bejewel, beribbon, beset, bespangle, bevel bearing, bijou, boast, boon, bracelet, breastpin, brilliant, brooch ... show more.

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