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1 revoke

The mistake of not following suit when able to do so.

synonym: renege.


1 revoke

Fail to follow suit when able and required to do so.

Roget 536: deny; contradict, contravene; controvert, give denial to, gainsay, negative, shake the head.    disown, disaffirm, disclaim, disavow; recant etc. ... show more

Dutch: verzaken, herroepen

2 revoke

Cancel officially:
— He revoked the ban on smoking.

synonyms: annul, countermand, lift, overturn, repeal, rescind, reverse, vacate.

Roget 607: change one's mind, change one's intention, change one's purpose, change one's note; abjure, renounce; withdraw from etc. (relinquish) 624; waver, vacillate; wheel round, ... show more

Roget 756: abrogate, annul, cancel; destroy etc. 162; abolish; revoke, repeal, rescind, reverse, retract, recall; abolitionize; ... show more

Dutch: herroepen, afschaffen, annuleren, intrekken, terugtrekken, achteruitzetten, terugdraaien

Moby thesaurus: abjure, abolish, abrogate, annihilate, annul, assert the contrary, back down, back out, backwater, belie, bring to naught, cancel, cite, climb down, contest, contradict, contravene, controvert, counter, countermand ... show more.

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