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1 scourge

A whip used to inflict punishment (often used for pedantic humor).

synonym: flagellum.

Roget 975: scourge, rod, cane, stick; ratan, rattan; birch, birch rod; azote, blacksnake, bullwhack [U.S.], chicote, kurbash, quirt, ... show more

Dutch: plaag, schrik, gesel

2 scourge

Something causing misery or death.

synonyms: bane, curse, nemesis.

Roget 830: painfulness etc. adj.; trouble, care etc. (pain) 828; trial; affliction, infliction; blow, stroke, burden, ... show more

Roget 663: bane, curse; evil etc. 619; hurtfulness etc. (badness) 649; painfulness etc. (cause of pain) 830; scourge ... show more

Dutch: verderf, Nemesis, anathema, doem, maledictie, nemesis, vervloeking, vloek
Polish: przekleĊ„stwo

3 scourge

A person who inspires fear or dread.

synonyms: terror, threat.

Polish: postrach


1 scourge

Punish severely; excoriate.

2 scourge


synonym: flagellate.

Roget 972: punish; chastise, chasten; castigate, correct, inflict punishment, administer correction, deal retributive justice; cowhide, lambaste [Slang].    visit upon, pay; pay out, serve out; ... show more

3 scourge

Cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly.

synonyms: desolate, devastate, lay waste to, ravage, waste.

Dutch: verwoesten

Moby thesaurus: adversity, afflict, affliction, ambulatory plague, bane, baste, bastinado, beat, belabor, belt, birch, black death, black plague, blacksnake, blister, bubonic plague, buffet, bugbear, bullwhack, bullwhip ... show more.

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