faultfinding as a noun: - 1
as an adjective: - 1
- 2
1 faultfinding
Persistent petty and unjustified criticism.
synonym: carping.
Dutch: vitterij
Polish: krytykanctwo
1 faultfinding
Tending to make moral judgments or judgments based on personal opinions.
2 faultfinding
Tending to find and call attention to faults:
— An excessively demanding and faultfinding tutor.
synonym: captious.
Moby thesaurus: Jeremianic, adverse criticism, animadversion, aspersion, bad notices, bad press, beef, beefing, bellyache, bellyaching, bitch, bitching, captious, captiousness, carping, cavil, caviling, censoriousness, complaining, complaint, complaintful, crabbing, crabby, cranky, critical, criticism, croaking, cynical, destructive criticism, disappointed, discontented, disgruntled, displeased, dissatisfied, dissent, envious, exception, flak, fretful, grievance, gripe, griping, groan, groaning, grouchy, grouse, grousing, growling, grumbling, hairsplitting, hit, holler, home thrust, hostile criticism, howl, howling, hypercritical, hypercriticalness, hypercriticism, imputation, kick, kicking, knock, lamentive, malcontent, malcontented, moanful, mournful, murmuring, muttering, nagging, niggle, niggling, nit, nit-picking, obloquy, out of humor, overcritical, overcriticalness, peeve, peevish, peevishness, pestering, pet peeve, pettifogging, petulance, petulant, plaintive, plangent, priggishness, protest, puling, querulant, querulous, querulousness, quibble, quibbling, rap, rebellious, reflection, reproachfulness, resentful, restive, restless, scolding, slam, sniping, sorrowful, squawk, squawking, stricture, sulky, swipe, taking exception, trichoschistic, trichoschistism, ultracritical, ululant, unaccepting, unaccommodating, uneasy, unfulfilled, ungratified, unhappy, unsatisfied, wailful, whimpering, whining, whiny, yapping ... show more.
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