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Roget 901a: sullen, sulky; ill-tempered, ill-humored, ill-affected, ill-disposed; grouty [U.S.]; in an ill temper, in a bad temper, in a shocking temper, in an ill humor, in a bad humor, in a shocking humor; ... show more

Roget 606: obstinate, tenacious, stubborn, obdurate, casehardened; inflexible etc. (hard) 323; balky; immovable, unshakable, not to be moved; ... show more

Roget 742: disobedient; uncomplying, uncompliant; unsubmissive, unruly, ungovernable; breachy, insubordinate, impatient of control, incorrigible; restiff, restive; refractory, contumacious, ... show more

Roget 764: refusing etc. v.; restive, restiff; recusant; uncomplying, unconsenting; not willing to hear of, deaf to.    refused etc. v.; ungranted, ... show more

Roget 901: irascible; bad-tempered, ill-tempered; irritable, susceptible; excitable etc. 825; thin-skinned etc. (sensitive) 822; fretful, ... show more

Roget 603: unwilling; not in the vein, loth, loath, shy of, disinclined, indisposed, averse, reluctant, not content; adverse etc. (opposed) ... show more

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