English synonyms about - contact  

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1 contest

An occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants.

synonym: competition.

Roget 720: contention, strife; contest, contestation; struggle; belligerency; opposition etc. 708.    controversy, polemics; debate etc. (discussion) ... show more

Dutch: match, ontmoeting, sportwedstrijd, treffen, wedkamp, wedstrijd
Polish: konkurs

2 contest

A struggle between rivals.

Polish: walka


1 contest

To make the subject of dispute, contention, or litigation:
— They contested the outcome of the race.

synonyms: contend, repugn.

Roget 720: contend; contest, strive, struggle, scramble, wrestle; spar, square; exchange blows, exchange fisticuffs; fib, justle, tussle, tilt, ... show more

Dutch: competitiewedstrijd, competitie, wedstrijd, kamp, slag, strijd, betwisten, bevechten

Moby thesaurus: Kilkenny cats, Olympic games, Olympics, abjure, action, altercation, antagonize, argue, argufy, argument, assert the contrary, awake a doubt, bandy words, battle, be contrary to, be diffident, be doubtful, be dubious, be skeptical, be uncertain ... show more.

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