English synonyms about - contact  


Roget category 732

5. Words relating to the voluntary powers
5.5. Results of voluntary action

#732. Failure


failurenonsuccess, nonfulfillmentdead failure, successlessnessabortion, miscarriagebrutum fulmen etc. 158 [Lat.]labor in vain etc. (inutility) 645no goinefficacyinefficaciousness etc. adj. — vain attempt, ineffectual attempt, abortive attempt, abortive effortsflash in the pan, lame and impotent conclusion" [Othello]; frustrationslip 'twixt cup and lip etc. (disappointment) 509.
blunder etc. (mistake) 495fault, omission, miss, oversight, slip, trip, stumble, claudication, footfallfalse step, wrong step faux pas [Fr.], titubation, b_evue [Fr.], faute [Fr.], lurchbotchery etc. (want of skill) 699scrape, mess, fiasco, breakdownflunk [U.S.].
mishap etc. (misfortune) 735split, collapse, smash, blow, explosion.
repulse, rebuff, defeat, rout, overthrow, discomfiturebeating, drubbingquietus, nonsuit, subjugationcheckmate, stalemate, fool's mate.
fall, downfall, ruin, perditionwreck etc. (destruction) 162deathblowbankruptcy etc. (nonpayment) 808.
losing game, affaire flamb_ee.
victimbankruptflunker, flunky [U.S.].


failbe unsuccessful etc. adj. — not succeed etc. 731make vain efforts etc. n. — do in vain, labor in vain, toil in vainflunk [U.S.]lose one's labor, take nothing by one's motionbring to naught, make nothing ofwash a blackamoor white etc. (impossible) 471roll the stones of Sisyphus etc. (useless) 645do by halves etc. (not complete) 730lose ground etc. (recede) 282fall short of etc. 304.
miss, miss one's aim, miss the mark, miss one's footing, miss staysslip, trip, stumblemake a slip etc. n.. blunder etc. 495, make a mess of, make a botch ofbitch it, miscarry, abort, go up like a rocket and come down like the stick, come down in flames, get shot down, reckon without one's hostget the wrong pig by the tail, get the wrong sow by the ear etc. (blunder), )mismanage) 699.
limp, halt, hobble, titubatefall, tumblelose one's balancefall to the ground, fall between two stoolsflounder, falter, stick in the mud, run aground, split upon a rockbeat one's head against a stone wall, run one's head against a stone wall, knock one's head against a stone wall, dash one's head against a stone wallbreak one's backbreak down, sink, drown, founder, have the ground cut from under oneget into trouble, get into a mess, get into a scrapecome to grief etc. (adversity) 735go to the wall, go to the dogs, go to potlick the dust, bite the dustbe defeated etc. 731have the worst of it, lose the day, come off second best, losefall a prey tosuccumb etc. (submit) 725not have a leg to stand on.
come to nothing, end in smokeflat outfall to the ground, fall through, fall dead, fall stillborn, fall flatslip through one's fingershang fire, miss fireflash in the pan, collapsetopple down etc. (descent) 305go to wrack and ruin etc. (destruction) 162.
go amiss, go wrong, go cross, go hard with, go on a wrong tackgo on ill, come off ill, turn out ill, work illtake a wrong term, take an ugly termtake an ugly turn, take a turn for the worse.
be all over with, be all up withexplodedash one's hopes etc. (disappoint) 509defeat the purposesow the wind and reap the whirlwind, jump out of the frying pan into the fire, go from the frying pan into the fire.


unsuccessful, successlessfailing, tripping etc. v. — at faultunfortunate etc. 735.
abortive, addle, stillbornfruitless, bootlessineffectual, ineffective, inconsequential, trifling, nugatoryinefficient etc. (impotent) 158insufficient etc. 640unavailing etc. (useless) 645of no effect.
aground, grounded, swamped, stranded, cast away, wrecked, foundered, capsized, shipwrecked, nonsuitedfoileddefeated etc. 731struck down, borne down, broken downdowntroddenoverborne, overwhelmedall up withploughed, plowed, plucked.
lost, undone, ruined, brokenbankrupt etc. (not paying) 808played outdone up, done fordead beat, ruined root and branch, flambe, knocked on the headdestroyed etc. 162.
frustrated, crossed, unhinged, disconcerted dashedthrown off one's balance, thrown on one's back, thrown on one's beam endsunhorsed, in a sorry plighthard hit.
stultified, befooled, dished, hoist on one's own petardvictimized, sacrificed.
wide of the mark etc. (error) 495out of one's reckoning etc. (inexpectation) 508left in the lurchthrown away etc. (wasted) 638unattaineduncompleted etc. 730.


unsuccessfully etc. adj. — to little or no purpose, in vain, re infecta [Lat.].


the bubble has burst, the jig is up," the game is up" [Cymbeline]; all is lostthe devil to payparturiunt montes etc. (disappointment) 509 [Lat.]dies infaustus [Lat.]tout est perdu hors l'honneur [Fr.].

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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